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soonix, Danke for the wikipedia reference! Made me realise I'd just scratched the surface. Speaking only one language, I've always been a long way behind folks from Rockenhausen, Germany in Unicode knowledge and experience. :-)

For some reason, I only looked at and not wikipedia like I usually do ... so thanks for the motivational prod. After checking some wikipedia references, I've found a couple more:

G'day ◉,

G'day ⦿,

Though not strictly a dot, I quite like the look of a dot highlighted inside a circle.

Output from kcott's uparse tool:

•       U+2022   BULLET
◉      U+25C9   FISHEYE
🕳      U+1F573  HOLE


In reply to Re^3: Emojis for Perl Monk names (Dot aka Period aka Full Stop) by eyepopslikeamosquito
in thread Emojis for Perl Monk names by eyepopslikeamosquito

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