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day four: the PODist and the coder

step 1) the educated documentation

We get up in the morning and we suddenly realize yesterday we forgot something very important: documentation! Good documentation is like an educated people, while poor documentation is like a boor one: who do you prefer to meet?

The same is for your module users: they hope and expect to find a good documentation and to write it is our duty. Dot.

Documentation content, in my little experience, can be impacted a lot for even small changes in the code or interface so, generally I write the larger part of the docs when the implementation or interface is well shaped. But, by other hand, a good approach is to put in the docs every little statement that will be true since the very beginning of your module development. At the moment we can state our validate sub accepts both strings and ranges and always returns an array.

At the moment the relevant part of the POD documentation is:

=head1 EXPORT A list of functions that can be exported. You can delete this section if you don't export anything, such as for a purely object-oriented mod +ule. =head1 SUBROUTINES/METHODS =head2 validate =cut
We do not plan to export functions: our sub must be called via its fully qualified name, as we do in the test we created: Range::Validator::validate() so we can delete the EXPORT part and add something in the subroutines part:

=head1 SUBROUTINES =head2 validate This function accepts a string or a list (range) and returns an array. In the string form the accepted characters are: positive integers, dot +s, commas and spaces. Every space will be removed.
We do not need =cut anymore because we do not have POD in blocks interleaved with the code, but an unique POD block in the __DATA__ section.

step 2) git status again and commit again

Since we are now very fast with git commands, let's commit this little change; the push to the remote repository can be left for the end of work session. So status (check it frequently!) and commit

git-client> git status On branch master Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working + directory) modified: lib/Range/ no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") git-client> git commit -a -m "initial POD to document validate functio +n" [master a6dc557] initial POD to document validate function 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

step 3) more code...

Now it's time to add more checks for the incoming string: we do not accept a lone dot between non dots, nor even more than two dots consecutively:

# not allowed a lone . croak "invalid range [$range] (single .)!" if $range =~ /[^.]+\.{1 +}[^.]+/; # not allowed more than 2 . croak "invalid range [$range] (more than 2 .)!" if $range =~ /[^.] ++\.{3}/;
The whole sub now look like:

sub validate{ my $range; my @range; # assume we have a string if we receive only one argument if ( @_ == 1){ $range = $_[0]; } # otherwise we received a list else{ ... } # remove any space from string $range =~ s/\s+//g; # die if invalid characters croak "invalid character passed in string [$range]!" if $range =~ /[^\s,.\d]/; # not allowed a lone . croak "invalid range [$range] (single .)!" if $range =~ /[^.]+\.{1 +}[^.]+/; # not allowed more than 2 . croak "invalid range [$range] (more than 2 .)!" if $range =~ /[^.] ++\.{3}/; @range = eval ($range); return @range; }

step 4) ...means more and more tests

Now it is time to test this behaviour. Go edit ./t/01-validate.t adding (append the following code to the end of the test file) some dies_ok statements preceded by a note:

note ("start checks about incorrect dots in string"); dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate('1.2') } "expected to die with a lone dot"; dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate('0..2,5.6,8') } "expected to die with a lone dot";
Run the test via prove

shell> prove -l -v ./t/01-validate.t ./t/01-validate.t .. ok 1 - use Range::Validator; ok 2 - ok valid string produces correct number of elements # starting test of forbidden characters in the string form ok 3 - expected to die with invalid character # start checks about incorrect dots in string ok 4 - expected to die with a lone dot ok 5 - expected to die with a lone dot 1..5 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=5, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.06 usr + 0.03 sys = 0.09 CPU +) Result: PASS
Fine! But.. to much repetitions in the test code. Are not we expected to be DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself)? Yes we are and since we have been so lazy to put use Test::More qw(no_plan) we can add a good loop of tests (replace the last two dies_ok with the following code in the test file):

foreach my $string ( '1.2', '0..2,5.6,8', '1,2,.,3', '.' ){ dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate( $string ) } "expected to die with a lone dot in range [$string]"; }
Run the test again:

shell> prove -l -v ./t/01-validate.t ./t/01-validate.t .. ok 1 - use Range::Validator; ok 2 - ok valid string produces correct number of elements # Failed test 'expected to die with a lone dot in range [.]' # starting test of forbidden characters in the string form # at ./t/01-validate.t line 22. ok 3 - expected to die with invalid character # Looks like you failed 1 test of 7. # start checks about incorrect dots in string ok 4 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [1.2] ok 5 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [0..2,5.6,8] ok 6 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [1,2,.,3] not ok 7 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [.] 1..7 Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100) Failed 1/7 subtests Test Summary Report ------------------- ./t/01-validate.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 7 Failed: 1) Failed test: 7 Non-zero exit status: 1 Files=1, Tests=7, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr + 0.03 sys = 0.05 CPU +) Result: FAIL
FAIL? Fortunately we shown the current range passed in the text generated by the test, so go examine it:

not ok 7 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [.]

Spot why it fails (ie it does not die as expected)? Our regex to check a lone dot is:


And it reads (as per the YAPE::Regex::Explain output): any character except: . (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible)) followed by . (1 times) followed by any character except: . (1 or more times (matching the most amount possible))

Which is simply not true for the given string '.' So we try changing both plus signs with question mark quantifiers in the regex: it does not help. As a wise friend explains, we need lookaround: /(?<!\.)\.(?!\.)/ will work! So we change the check in the module like follow:

# not allowed a lone . croak "invalid range [$range] (single .)!" if $range =~ /(?<!\.)\. +(?!\.)/;

As we spot this edge case we add two similar ones to the test:

foreach my $string ( '1.2', '0..2,5.6,8', '1,2,.,3', '.', '1.', '.1' ) +{ dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate( $string ) } "expected to die with a lone dot in range [$string]"; }
Also the next regex (aimed to search for three dots) in the module is not working for the very same reason; change it from /[^.]+\.{3}/ to simply /\.{3}/

The moral? Tests are your friends! We spot, by hazard, an edge case and our code must be able to deal with it, so free as much your fantasy writing your tests. Cockroaches come from box corners.. ops, no I mean: bugs come from edge case.

Now we add some test to spot, and die, if three dots are found, with the new simpler regex /\.{3}/ so we change the code adding the following code to the test:

foreach my $newstring ( '1...3', '1,3...5','...', '1...', '...2' ){ dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate( $newstring ) } "expected to die with three dots in range [$newstring]"; }
We run the test:

shell> prove -l -v ./t/01-validate.t ./t/01-validate.t .. ok 1 - use Range::Validator; ok 2 - ok valid string produces correct number of elements # starting test of forbidden characters in the string form ok 3 - expected to die with invalid character # start checks about incorrect dots in string ok 4 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [1.2] ok 5 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [0..2,5.6,8] ok 6 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [1,2,.,3] ok 7 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [.] ok 8 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [1.] ok 9 - expected to die with a lone dot in range [.1] ok 10 - expected to die with three dots in range [1...3] ok 11 - expected to die with three dots in range [1,3...5] ok 12 - expected to die with three dots in range [...] ok 13 - expected to die with three dots in range [1...] ok 14 - expected to die with three dots in range [...2] 1..14 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=14, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.03 sys = 0.06 CP +U) Result: PASS
So now your sub is:

sub validate{ my $range; my @range; # assume we have a string if we receive only one argument if ( @_ == 1){ $range = $_[0]; } # otherwise we received a list else{ ... } # remove any space from string $range =~ s/\s+//g; # die if invalid characters croak "invalid character passed in string [$range]!" if $range =~ /[^\s,.\d]/; # not allowed a lone . croak "invalid range [$range] (single .)!" if $range =~ /(?<!\.)\. +(?!\.)/; # not allowed more than 2 . croak "invalid range [$range] (more than 2 .)!" if $range =~ /\.{3 +}/; @range = eval ($range); return @range; }
And our test file ./t/01-validate.t as follow:

#!perl use 5.006; use strict; use warnings; use Test::More qw(no_plan); use Test::Exception; use_ok( 'Range::Validator' ); ok (scalar Range::Validator::validate('0..2') == 3, 'ok valid string produces correct number of elements' ); note ("starting test of forbidden characters in the string form"); dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate('xxxinvalidstringxxx') } "expected to die with invalid character"; note ("start checks about incorrect dots in string"); foreach my $string ( '1.2', '0..2,5.6,8', '1,2,.,3', '.', '1.', '.1' ) +{ dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate( $string ) } "expected to die with a lone dot in range [$string]"; } foreach my $newstring ( '1...3', '1,3...5','...', '1...', '...2' ){ dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate( $newstring ) } "expected to die with three dots in range [$newstring]"; }

step 5) git: a push for two commits

Time to review the status of the local repository, commit changes and push it online:

git-client> git status On branch master Changes not staged for commit: (use "git add &lt;file&gt;..." to update what will be committed) (use "git checkout -- &lt;file&gt;..." to discard changes in working + directory) modified: lib/Range/ modified: t/01-validate.t no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") git-client> git commit -a -m "changed regexes for 2 o lone dot and rel +ative tests" [master 169809c] changed regexes for 2 o lone dot and relative tests 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) git-client> git push YourGithubLogin master fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. Username for '': YourGithubLogin Password for '': Counting objects: 12, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done. Writing objects: 100% (12/12), 1.50 KiB | 385.00 KiB/s, done. Total 12 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (5/5), completed with 3 local objects. To 5083ec3..169809c master -> master
Today we committed twice, do you remember? first time just the POD we added for the sub and second time just few moments ago. We pushed just one time. What's really now in the online repository?

Go to the online repository, Insights, Network: the last two dots on the line segment are our two commits, pushed together in a single push. Handy, no? Click on the second-last dot and you will see the detail of the commit concerning the POD, with lines we removed in red and lines we added in green. Commits are free: committing small changes frequently is better than commit a lot of changes all together.

day five: deeper tests

step 1) more validation in the code

Today we plan to add two new validations in our sub: first one intended to be used against ranges passed in string form, the second to all ranges, before returning them.

The constraint for the string form is about reversed ranges, like 3..1 and it is added just after the last croak we added yesterday:

# spot reverse ranges like 27..5 if ($range =~ /[^.]\.\.[^.]/){ foreach my $match ( $range=~/(\d+\.\.\d+)/g ){ $match=~/(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/; croak "$1 > $2 in range [$range]" if $1 > $2; } }
Now is important that we take the habit to commit on our own, whenever we add an atomic piece of code: so go to commit! From now on not every git operation will be shown with full output, only important ones (is this a git guide? No!).

The other one, applied before returning the range as array, is about overlapping ranges: (0..2,1) that is equivalent to 0,1,1,2 with a nasty repetition terrible for the rest of the code outside the present module (this assumption is related to our current, fictional, scenario). So, just before returning from the sub, we simply use a hash to have unique elements in the resulting array:

# eval the range @range = eval ($range); # remove duplicate elements using a hash my %single = map{ $_ => 1} @range; # -- new line # sort unique keys numerically @range = sort{ $a &lt;=&gt; $b } keys %single; # -- new line return @range;
As previously said, commit on your own, with a meaningful comment.

You end with:

sub validate{ my $range; my @range; # assume we have a string if we receive only one argument if ( @_ == 1){ $range = $_[0]; } # otherwise we received a list else{ ... } # remove any space from string $range =~ s/\s+//g; # die if invalid characters croak "invalid character passed in string [$range]!" if $range =~ /[^\s,.\d]/; # not allowed a lone . croak "invalid range [$range] (single .)!" if $range =~ /(?<!\.)\. +(?!\.)/; # not allowed more than 2 . croak "invalid range [$range] (more than 2 .)!" if $range =~ /\.{3 +}/; # spot reverse ranges like 27..5 if ($range =~ /[^.]\.\.[^.]/){ foreach my $match ( $range=~/(\d+\.\.\d+)/g ){ $match=~/(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/; croak "$1 > $2 in range [$range]" if $1 > $2; } } # eval the range @range = eval ($range); # remove duplicate elements using a hash my %single = map{ $_ => 1} @range; # sort unique keys numerically @range = sort{ $a &lt;=&gt; $b } keys %single; return @range; }
New features are worth to be pushed on the online repository: you know how can be done. Do it.

step 2) a git excursus

Did you follow my small advices about git committing and meaningful messages? If so it's time to see why is better to be diligent: with git log (which man page is probably longer than this guide..) you can review a lot about previous activities:

git-client> git log HEAD --oneline bb952ee (HEAD -> master, YourGithubLogin/master) removing duplicates f +rom overlapping ranges 15a5f63 check for reverse ranges in string form 169809c changed regexes for 2 o lone dot and relative tests a6dc557 initial POD to document validate function 5083ec3 added 01-validate.t 580f628 some code into validate, added 01-validate.t and modified Make +file.PL 49a0690 moved POD, removed -T 1788c12 module-starter created content
This is definitevely handy. HEAD is where your activity is focused in this moment. Try to remove the --oneline switch to see also all users and dates of each commit.

As you can understand git is a vaste world: explore it to suit your needs. This is not a git guide ;)

step 3) add deeper tests

Until now we used a limited test arsenal: ok from Test::Simple use_ok and note from Test::More dies_ok from Test::Exception

As we added a croak in our sub to prevent reversed ranges, we can use dies_ok again to check such situations (append the following code to our test file):

foreach my $reversed ('3..1,7..9','1..4,7..5','3..4, 7..5','0..2,27..5 +'){ dies_ok { Range::Validator::validate( $reversed ) } "expected to d +ie with reverse range [$reversed]"; }
Commit at your will.

Test::More has a lot of useful testing facilities (review the module documentation to take inspiration) and now we will use is_deeply to implement some positive test about expected and returned data structures.

This is useful, in our case, to test that overlapping ranges or unordered ones are returned corrected. To do this we can use a hash of inputs and their expected returned values (append the following code to our test file):

my %test = ( '1,1..3' => [(1,2,3)], '1,2..5,4' => [(1,2,3,4,5)], '1..5,3' => [(1,2,3,4,5)], '8,9,1..2' => [(1,2,8,9)], '1..3,3,5..7' => [(1,2,3,5,6,7)], '5..7,1..6' => [(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)], '0..5,3' => [(0,1,2,3,4,5)] ); # ranges, even if overlapped or unordered, return the correct array foreach my $range ( keys %test ){ my @res = Range::Validator::validate($range); is_deeply( $test{$range},\@res, "correct result for range [$range]" ); }
Last two tests we added will produce the following output:

ok 15 - expected to die with reverse range [3..1,7..9] ok 16 - expected to die with reverse range [1..4,7..5] ok 17 - expected to die with reverse range [3..4, 7..5] ok 18 - expected to die with reverse range [0..2,27..5] ok 19 - correct result for range [1,2..5,4] ok 20 - correct result for range [1,1..3] ok 21 - correct result for range [0..5,3] ok 22 - correct result for range [5..7,1..6] ok 23 - correct result for range [1..3,3,5..7] ok 24 - correct result for range [8,9,1..2] ok 25 - correct result for range [1..5,3]

step 4) who is ahead? git branches and log

Just at glance: up to you to explore this topic. Look at the following git session of commands, two commands ( one that we never used until now) just before and reissued just after the push:

git-client> git log HEAD --oneline c3f8d5b (HEAD -> master) test for overlappped or unordered ranges f16789a test for reversed ranges bb952ee (YourGithubLogin/master) removing duplicates from overlapping +ranges 15a5f63 check for reverse ranges in string form 169809c changed regexes for 2 o lone dot and relative tests a6dc557 initial POD to document validate function 5083ec3 added 01-validate.t 580f628 some code into validate, added 01-validate.t and modified Make +file.PL 49a0690 moved POD, removed -T 1788c12 module-starter created content git-client> git show-branch *master * [master] test for overlappped or unordered ranges ! [refs/remotes/YourGithubLogin/master] removing duplicates from over +lapping ranges -- * [master] test for overlappped or unordered ranges * [master^] test for reversed ranges *+ [refs/remotes/YourGithubLogin/master] removing duplicates from over +lapping ranges git-client> git push YourGithubLogin master fatal: HttpRequestException encountered. Username for '': YourGithubLogin Password for '': Counting objects: 8, done. Delta compression using up to 4 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (8/8), done. Writing objects: 100% (8/8), 1011 bytes | 505.00 KiB/s, done. Total 8 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6/6), completed with 3 local objects. To bb952ee..c3f8d5b master -> master git-client> git log HEAD --oneline c3f8d5b (HEAD -> master, YourGithubLogin/master) test for overlappped +or unordered ranges f16789a test for reversed ranges bb952ee removing duplicates from overlapping ranges 15a5f63 check for reverse ranges in string form 169809c changed regexes for 2 o lone dot and relative tests a6dc557 initial POD to document validate function 5083ec3 added 01-validate.t 580f628 some code into validate, added 01-validate.t and modified Make +file.PL 49a0690 moved POD, removed -T 1788c12 module-starter created content git-client> git show-branch *master * [master] test for overlappped or unordered ranges ! [refs/remotes/YourGithubLogin/master] test for overlappped or unord +ered ranges -- *+ [master] test for overlappped or unordered ranges

step 5) overall check and release

We just need some small change and our module will be ready for production. We left some part of our code behind and precisely the else part dedicated to incoming arrays:

# otherwise we received a list else{ ... }
and we can just fill it with @range = @_; and commit the change.

But if the above is true, we have to move all string check inside the if ( @_ == 1) {... block! Do it and commit the change. Now our sub is like the following one:

sub validate{ my $range; my @range; # assume we have a string if we receive only one argument if ( @_ == 1){ $range = $_[0]; # remove any space from string $range =~ s/\s+//g; # die if invalid characters croak "invalid character passed in string [$range]!" if $range =~ /[^\s,.\d]/; # not allowed a lone . croak "invalid range [$range] (single .)!" if $range =~ /(?<!\ +.)\.(?!\.)/; # not allowed more than 2 . croak "invalid range [$range] (more than 2 .)!" if $range =~ / +\.{3}/; # spot reverse ranges like 27..5 if ($range =~ /[^.]\.\.[^.]/){ foreach my $match ( $range=~/(\d+\.\.\d+)/g ){ $match=~/(\d+)\.\.(\d+)/; croak "$1 > $2 in range [$range]" if $1 > $2; } } # eval the range @range = eval ($range); } # otherwise we received a list else{ @range = @_; } # remove duplicate elements using a hash my %single = map{ $_ => 1} @range; # sort unique keys numerically @range = sort{ $a &lt;=&gt; $b } keys %single; return @range; }
Is our change safe? Well we have a test suit: prove -l -v will tell you if the change impacts the test suit (if tests are poor you can never be sure).

Now our module is ready for production. It just lacks of some good documentation. Not a big deal, but is our duty to document what the sub does effectively.

Add to the POD of our sub:

Every string with occurences of a lone dot or more than two dots will +be rejected causing an exception in the calling program. Reverse ranges like in <code>'3..1'
passed as string will also cause an exception.

In both string and list form any duplicate element (overlapped range) will be silently removed. Any form of unordered list will be silently rerodered.

</code> Check git status and commit. Use git log HEAD --oneline to see that the local repository is three steps ahead of the remote one. Push the changes in the online repository. Use git log HEAD --oneline again to see what happened.

step 6) test list form

Even if it is simpler we have to test the array form of our sub. We can use this time an array of tests each element being another array with two elements: first the list we pass to the sub, then the list we expect back from the sub. Again using is_deeply is a good choice:

Add the following test to our file 01-validate.t

note ("starting test of list form"); my @test = ( # passed expected # correct ones [ [(0..3)], [(0,1,2,3)] ], [ [(0,1..3)], [(0,1,2,3)] ], [ [(0..3,5)], [(0,1,2,3,5)] ], # overlapped ones [ [(0..3,2)], [(0,1,2,3)] ], [ [(1,0..3)], [(0,1,2,3)] ], [ [(0..3,1..2)], [(0,1,2,3)] ], ); foreach my $list ( @test ){ my @res = Range::Validator::validate( @{$list->[0]} ); is_deeply( \@{$list->[1]},\@res, "correct result for list: @{$list->[0]}" ); }
Run the test: we reached the big number of 32 succesful test! Congratulations!

As always, commit the change with a meaningful comment and push this important set of changes to the online repository.

day six: testing STDERR

step 1) the problem of empty lists

Our assumptions, in "day zero - the plan", were to accept only ordered, not overlapped lists or their string representations. Other software in the project (again: a fictional scenario), where our validation module is used, blindly pass what received from outside (many different sources) to our validate sub. With the output produced by our sub many other subs or methods are called. All these software (out of our control) assume that, if an empty list is received then ALL elements are processed. This seemed the right thing to do. After the advent of our module some example usage can be:

# all actions performed, no need to call our validate sub actions_to_activate_account(); # only reset password and send mail with new password my @valid_range = Range::Validator::validate(3,12); actions_to_activate_account( @valid_range ); # or in the string form: my $action_string = get_action_string_from_DB( actions => 'reset_pwd' +); # $action_string is '3,12' my @valid_range = Range::Validator::validate( $action_string ); actions_to_activate_account( @valid_range ); # or in the array form: my @actions = get_action_list_from_DB( actions => 'reset_pwd' ); # @actions is (3,12) my @valid_range = Range::Validator::validate( @actions ); actions_to_activate_account( @valid_range );
Right? The module goes in production and 98% of errors from the foreign part of the code base disappeared. Only 98%? Yes..

Miss A of department Z call your boss in a berserk state: not all their errors are gone away. They use the list form but Miss A and the developer B are sure no empty lists are passed to your validate sub. You call the developer B, a good fellow, who explain you that list are generated from a database field that cannot be empty (NOT NULL constraint in the database):

You - Listen B, if I emit a warning you'll be able to trap which list generated from the database provoked it?

B - Sure! Can you add this?

You - Yes, for sure. I can use a variable in Range::Validator namespace, let's name it warnings and you'll set it to a true value and only you, and not the rest of the company, will see errors on STDERR. Ok?

B - Fantastic! I'll add the variable as soon as you tell me.

You - Ok, but then I want to know which list provoked the error, right? For a coffee?

B - Yeah man, for a coffee, as always.

step 2) adding a Carp to the lake

So we add a line in the top of the module, just after VERSION: our $WARNINGS = 0; to let dev B to trigger our warnings. We commit even this small change.

Then we add to the sub a carp call triggered if our $WARNINGS == 1; and if @_ == 0 and we add this as elsif condition:

# assume we have a string if we receive only one argument if ( @_ == 1){ # STRING PART ... } elsif ( $WARNINGS == 1 and @_ == 0 ){ carp "Empty list passed in! We assume all element will be proc +essed."; } # otherwise we received a list else{ # NON EMPTY LIST PART ... }
Git status, git commit on your own.

step 3) prepare the fishing road: add a dependency for our test

To grab STDERR in test we have to add a dependency to Capture::Tiny module which is able, with its method capture to catch STDOUT STDERR and results emitted by an external command or a chunk of perl code. Handy and tiny module.

Do you remeber the place to specify a dependency? Bravo! Is in Makefile.PL and we did the same in "day three step 3" when we added two modules to the BUILD_REQUIRES hash. Now we add Capture::Tiny to this part (remeber to specify module name in a quoted string):

BUILD_REQUIRES => { 'Test::More' => '0', 'Test::Exception' => '0', 'Capture::Tiny' => '0', # -- new line },
Commit this change.

step 4) go fishing the Carp in our test

Now in 01-validate.t test file we first add the module with use Capture::Tiny qw(capture) and then, at the end we add some test of the warning behaviour:

note ("test of warnings emitted"); { local $Range::Validator::WARNINGS; my ($stdout, $stderr, @result) = capture { Range::Validator::valid +ate() }; unlike($stderr, qr/^Empty list passed in/, "no warning for empty l +ist unless \$Range::Validator::WARNINGS"); $Range::Validator::WARNINGS = 1; ($stdout, $stderr, @result) = capture { Range::Validator::validate +() }; like( $stderr, qr/^Empty list passed in/, "right warning for empty + list if \$Range::Validator::WARNINGS"); }
Run the test suit, commit this change. Use git log HEAD --oneline to visualize our progresses and push all recent commits to the online repository.

The new version goes in production. The good fellow calls you:

B - Ehy, we added your warnings..

You - And..?

B - We spotted our errors in the database..

You - And which kind of error?

B - Well.. do you know what perl sees when it spot 1, followed by FOUR dots, followed by 3?

You - Ahh aha ah ah.. unbelievable! Yes, I suppose it parses as: from 1 to .3 aka nothing, aka empty list..

B - Exactly! Can you imagine my boss face?

You - I dont want! A coffee is waiting for you. Thanks!

step 5) document the new warning feature

Add some POD,few lines are better than nothing, to the module documentation:

=head1 ENABLE WARNINGS If the <code>$Range::Validator::WARNINGS
is set to a true value then an empty list passed to validate will provoke a warning from the caller perspective.

</code> Commit this change and update the online repository.

day seven: the module is done but not ready

step 1) sharing

As stated in "day zero - the plan" sharing early is a good principle: can be worth to ask in a forum dedicated to Perl (like posting a RFC post (Request For Comments) or using the dedicated website to collect suggestions about your module idea and implementation.

step 2) files in a CPAN distribution

Your module is ready to be used and it is already used, but is not installable by a CPAN client nor can be indexed by a CPAN indexer at the moment. Read the short but complete description of possible files at What are the files in a CPAN distribution?

Following tests are not needed to install or use your module but to help you spotting what can be wrong in your distribution.

step 3) another kind of test: MANIFEST

In the the "day one - preparing the ground" we used module-starter to create the base of our module. Under the /t folder the program put three test we did not seen until now: manifest.t pod-coverage.t and pod.t

These three tests are here for us and they will help us to check our module distribution is complete. Let's start from the first

shell> prove ./t/manifest.t ./t/manifest.t .. skipped: Author tests not required for installation Files=1, Tests=0, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.01 sys = 0.05 CPU +) Result: NOTESTS
Ok, no test run, just skipped. Go to view what is inside the test: it skips all actions unless RELEASE_TESTING environment variable is set. It also will complain unless a minimal version of Test::CheckManifest is installed. So set this variable in the shell (how to do this depends on your operating system: linux users probably need export RELEASE_TESTING=1 while windows ones will use set  RELEASE_TESTING=1) and use your CPAN client to install the required module (normally cpan Test::CheckManifest is all you need) and rerun the test again:

shell> prove ./t/manifest.t ./t/manifest.t .. # Failed test at ./t/manifest.t line 15. ./t/manifest.t .. 1/1 # got: 0 # expected: 1 # The following files are not named in the MANIFEST file: .... # MANY + LINES MORE..
Omg?! What is all that output? The test complains about a lot of files that are present in the filesystem, in our module folder but are not specified in the MANIFEST file. This file contains a list (one per line) of files contained within the tarball of your module.

In the above output we have seen a lot, if not all, files under the .git directory. Obviously we do not want them included in our module distribution. How can we skip them? Using MANIFEST.SKIP file that basically contains regular expressions describing which files should be excluded from the distribution.

So go create this file in the main folder of the module and add inside it a line with a regex saying we do not want the .git directory: ^\.git\/ and add this file with git add MANIFEST.SKIP and commit this important change.

Rerun the test (added some newlines for readability):

shell> prove ./t/manifest.t ./t/manifest.t .. 1/1 # Failed test at ./t/manifest.t line 15. # got: 0 # expected: 1 # The following files are not named in the MANIFEST file: /path/to/your/module/ignore.txt, /path/to/your/module/MANIFEST.SKIP, /path/to/your/module/t/01-validate.t, /path/to/your/module/xt/boilerplate.t ...
By far better: the test points us to two files we for sure need to include in MANIFEST and precisely: MANIFEST.SKIP and t/01-validate.t

Go to the MANIFEST file and add them (where they are appropriate, near similar files and paying attention to case an paths), then commit the change. If you rerun the above test you'll see files added to MANIFEST are no more present in the failure output.

Let's examine the remaining two files. What is ignore.txt? It was created as default ignore list by module-starter and it contains many lines of regexes. If we want module-starter to create MANIFEST.SKIP instead, next time we'll use it specify --ignores='manifest' For the moment we can delete it. Commit.

If you rerun the test you now see only /xt/boilerplate.t and, if you open it, you'll see that is just checking if you left some default text in our module, texts put by module-starter Ah! useful test: let's run it:

shell> prove ./xt/boilerplate.t ./xt/boilerplate.t .. ok All tests successful. Test Summary Report ------------------- ./xt/boilerplate.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 3 Failed: 0) TODO passed: 3 Files=1, Tests=3, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.03 sys = 0.06 CPU +) Result: PASS
Ok no boilerplate garbage left. We can delete this test file and commit the change.

Now, finally:

shell> prove ./t/manifest.t ./t/manifest.t .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=1, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.02 usr + 0.03 sys = 0.05 CPU +) Result: PASS
Push recent changes into the online repository.

step 4) another kind of test: POD and POD coverage

In our /t folder we still have two tests we did not run: shame! module-starter created for us pod.t and pod-coverage.t The first one checks every POD in our distribution has no errors and the second ensures that all relevant files in your distribution are appropriately documented in POD documentation. Thanks for this. Run them:

shell> prove -l -v ./t/pod.t ./t/pod.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - POD test for lib/Range/ ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=1, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.02 sys = 0.05 CPU +) Result: PASS shell> prove -l -v ./t/pod-coverage.t ./t/pod-coverage.t .. 1..1 ok 1 - Pod coverage on Range::Validator ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=1, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr + 0.02 sys = 0.05 CPU +) Result: PASS

step 5) some README and final review of the work

The README must contain some general information about the module. Users can read this file via cpan client so put a minimal description in it. Gihub website use it as default page, so it is useful have some meningful text. Someone generates the text from the POD section of the module. Put a short description, maybe the sysnopsis and commit the change. Push it online.

Now we can proudly look at our commits history in a --reverse order:

git-client> git log HEAD --oneline --reverse 1788c12 module-starter created content 49a0690 moved POD, removed -T 580f628 some code into validate, added 01-validate.t and modified Make +file.PL 5083ec3 added 01-validate.t a6dc557 initial POD to document validate function 169809c changed regexes for 2 o lone dot and relative tests 15a5f63 check for reverse ranges in string form bb952ee removing duplicates from overlapping ranges f16789a test for reversed ranges c3f8d5b test for overlappped or unordered ranges 89174fe in the else block @range = @_ 58dbb12 moved string checks into the if (@_ == 1) block 8697b87 added POD for all string and list cecks e4f8eb1 added tests for lists 3efd7ce added $WARNING = 0 a46d6fc elsif block to catch empty @_ and carping under request 3e5993d Capture::Tiny in ac22e82 test for warnings emitted 9667e22 POD for warnings 13f53eb MANIFEST.SKIP first line 99ab999 MANIFEST added MANIFEST.SKIP and 01-validate.t 61b7c9f removed ignore.txt e3feb61 removed xt/boilerplate.t 3c0da4f (HEAD -> master, YourGithubLogin/master) modified README
A good glance of two dozens of commits! We have done a good job, even if with some errors: committing multiple changes in different part of the project (like in our third commit) is not wise: better atomical commits. We have also some typo in commit messages..

step 6) try a real CPAN client installation

It's now time to see if our module can be installaed by a cpan client. Nothing easier: if you are in the module folder just run cpan . and enjoy the output (note that this command will modify the content of the directory!).

day eight: other module techniques

option one - the bare bone module

This is option we choosed for the above example and, even if it is the less favorable one, we used this form for the extreme easy. The module is just a container of subs and all subs are available in the program tha uses our module but only using their fully qualified name, ie including the name space where they are defined: Range::Validator::validate was the syntax we used all over the tutorial.

Nothing bad if the above behaviour is all you need.

option two - the Exporter module

If you need more control over what to be available to the end user of your module Exporter CORE module will be a better approach.

Go read the module documentation to have an idea of its usage.

You can leverage what to export into the program using your module, so no more fully qualified package name will be needed. I suggest you to no export nothing by default (ie leaving @EXPORT empty) using instead @EXPORT_OK to let the end user to import sub from your module on, explicit, request.

With the use of Exporter you can also export variables into the program using your module, not only subs. It's up to you to decide if this is the right thing to do. Pay attention with names you use and the risk of name collision: what will happen if two module export two function with the same name?

Perl is not restrictive in any meaning of the word: nothing will prevent the end user of your module to call Your::Module::not_exported_at_all_sub() and access its functionality. A fully qualified name will be always available. The end user is breaking the API you provide, API where not_exported_at_all_sub is not even mentioned.

option three - the OO module

Preferred by many is the Object Oriented (OO) way. OO it's not better nor worst: it's a matter of aptitude or a matter of needs. See the relevant section on the core documentation: To-OO-or-not-OO? about the choice.

An object is just a little data structure that knows the class (the package) it belongs to. Nothing more complex than this. The data structure is generally a hash and its consciouness of its class (package) is provided by the bless core function.

Your API will just provide a constructor (conventionally new) and a serie of methods this object can use.

Again: nothing prevents end user to call one of your function by its fully qualified name as in Your::Module::_not_exported_at_all_sub() it's just matter of being polite. The core documentation include some tutorial about objects:



Many perl authors nowadays use specialized modules to build up OO projects: Moose module or the lighter flavor one Moo notably.

An OO module has many advantages in particular situations but is generally a bit slower than other module techniques.

advanced Makefile.PL usage

Until now we modified the BUILD_REQUIRES to specify dependencies needed while testing our module and PREREQ_PM to include modules needed by our module to effectively run.

The file format is described in the documentation of ExtUtils::MakeMaker where is stated that, since version 6.64 it is available another field: <code>TEST_REQUIRES</code> defined as: "A hash of modules that are needed to test your module but not run or build it". This is exactly what we need, but this force us to specify, also in Makefile.PL that we need 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'  => '6.64' in the CONFIGURE_REQUIRES hash.

The 6.64 version of ExtUtils::MakeMaker was released in 2012 but you cannot be sure end users have some modern perl, so we can safely use BUILD_REQUIRES as always or use some logic to fallback to "older" functionality if ExtUtils::MakeMaker is too old. You can use WriteMakefile1 sub used in the Makefile.PL of App::EUMM::Upgrade

other testing modules

In the current tutorial we used Test::Exception to test failures: consider also Test::Fatal

Overkill for simple test case but useful for complex one is the module Test::Class

Other modules worth to see are in the Task::Kensho list.

advanced testing code

If in your tests you have the risk of code repetition (against the DRY - Dont Repeat Yourself principle) you can find handy to have a module only used in your tests, a module under the /t folder.

You need some precautions, though.

Let's assume you plan a test helper module named testhelper contained in the /t/ file used by many of your test files.

You dont want CPAN to index your testhelper module and, to do so, you can put a no_index directive into your main META.yml or META.json file (or both). You can also use a trick in your package definition inserting a newline between package declaration and the name of the package. Like in:

package # hide from CPAN indexer testhelper;

In all tests you want to use that helper module you must:

use lib '.'; use t::testhelper;


CORE documentation about modules

CORE documentation about testing

  • Test
  • Simple
  • More
  • prove
  • other CORE modules under the Test:: namespace
  • modules under the TAP:: namespace

further readings about modules

further readings about testing


As all my works the present tutorial would be not possible without the help of the community. Not being an exhaustive list I want to thanks: Corion, choroba, Tux, 1nickt, marto, hippo, haukex, Eily, eyepopslikeamosquito, davido and kschwab (to be updated ;)

In reply to [RFC] Discipulus's step by step tutorial on module creation with tests and git -- second part by Discipulus
in thread [RFC] Discipulus's step by step tutorial on module creation with tests and git by Discipulus

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