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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Some thoughts...

  • Variable Access

    Yeah, I need three extra keystrokes to declare a variable, and an extra one each time I access it. So? Like Fletch said, I can skim over someone elses code and know what type of a variable is being used.
    What does this mean: @{ $scalar }? I can tell straight away, thanks @ and $ symbols.

  • Block delimiters

    Inconsistencies in styles? There are but two (block styles). And I like seeing where blocks stop, dont you? Im sure I could get used to whitespace, but it seems somwhat counter-intuitive.

  • A ; at the end of each line

    Python requires a newline. Ok, its a bigger key, you win.

  1. I've come to see Python as an extremely cool language...for me, more useful than Perl
    yet your comparison boils down to less typing. Fair point, kind of, but that doesn't make something more useful.

  2. I think Python seems to win on most counts when measured against Perl.
    I still dont see how youv'e measured either of the languages except keystrokes and briefly touching on self-documentation. Does that sound dirty to anyone else?

  3. For reasons already cited "blah blah blah" or "yadda yadda yadda" don't fly. That's 100% pure opinion.
    Now Im really not here to stop on anyone's toes, but 90% of your post is opinion.
    To summarise my post, Can you repeat the question?

In reply to (smitz)Re: Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code by smitz
in thread Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code by mothra

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