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This is not a response to your post, but instead a response to your behaviour. If you practice things that are in clear contradiction of what you preach, You Will Be Called Out:
  • Re: What is it about perl that makes perl so cool? "Perl is nice to look at. It's quite unlike any other language out there and beautiful to read."
  • Re: Perl Resolutions "Avoid engaging in flame wars, especially language wars. The right tool for the right job!"
  • Re: Just a thought "There are at least 5-6 things that I HATE about any and every language I've ever used..."
  • Re: Re: Perl's warts "And just one more thing I can't help but comment on...use Python for large projects? eek...I started testing Python out by doing (or starting to do) a new client of mine's site with Python. I got severely turned off by the syntactic whitespace when a.) I indented one line with a tab and the next line with spaces and the compiler complained (a completely invisible error), and b.) I downloaded what I thought would be a reusable form mailer Python program, only to find out when I got it that the indentation was all messed up, rendering the code useless. I can't imagine how much my paranoia would increase if I was dealing with a 20,000 - 50,000 line Python code base."
  • Re: Re: Perl and Java "By the way ... but we can we waste slightly MORE time comparing language XYZ to Perl?"
  • Re: Re: Perl and Java "Views of 'this language sucks' or 'that OS sucks' are a dime a dozen. How many more dead horses need to be beaten?"
  • Re: Changing owner of files: Windows vs Linux (or Why I hate Windows) "dismissing the good points of any tool ... because you found something that sucked is a sign that you probably haven't taken the time to match the tool against the task or you're being overzealous."
  • IRC vs. Newsgroups vs. Web Forums "Has anyone else 'had it' with all the (flame|holy)wars going on?"
  • Re: Stubborn as a Saint "If you want to get a good idea of someone's technical ability follow their writings!"
  • Re: Choose the most powerful language "I've been shown a reason to change the way I think."
  • Re: Concurrency : FORK and knife "Consider lurking for a little while longer to see how things work around The Monastary before you post again."
Take it easy man, you can't learn 10 years of good programming skills in 2.

In reply to mothra vs. Perl: Looking at the Past by Anonymous Monk
in thread Perl vs. Python: Looking at the Code by mothra

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