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( [id://3333]=superdoc: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Not to kick a man when hes down ;-) but I think the problem is that your documentation tends to be very tutorial oriented (im thinking P::RD and Text::Balanced) which is excellent if you are working through them from begin to end. But the tutorial style can get in the way when all you want is a quick and dirty. For instance in Text::Balanced you have the the general conventions followed by a page or more for each sub. This is compounded by pod2html which doesnt index =item blocks. (I patched it to add an index of them at the end, which I find quite helpful.)

Incidentally, this seems to be a failing of many of the better module designers, DBI has IMO similar problems.

Oh and please dont take this as a negative criticism, its just that a terse, factual reference oriented doc/section can also be very helpful. Adding such a section (as you have already said you will) would be appreciated very much.

And im well aware that if all you provided was such a reference text, that you'd be innundated with relatively foolish questions...

Yves / DeMerphq
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In reply to Re: Re: (jcwren) Re: Re: Text::Balanced woes.. by demerphq
in thread Text::Balanced woes.. by u914

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