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Version 1.4 of XPFixation is now available.

Besides several bug fixes in 1.2 and 1.3, the major change in 1.4 is that username and password are no longer required. Instead, in the configuration dialog, you provide your home node ID. This solves several problems, two of which are bad username/password combinations, and people with stupid characters in their nicks.

This was possible because jaybonci made a change to the XP XML ticker that causes 'votesleft' to be set to -1 if you are not the owner of the node (which was the only reason that node was protected in the first place). I further modified the code so that a node ID could be passed instead of a user name. This allows XPFixation to only need your home node ID to track XP changes. It also means that you can track someone elses XP changes, although why you'd want to is beyond me...

Since mt2k had such a freakout about having his password in the registry, V1.4 automatically deletes the now unused username and password registry keys on startup. You will need to enter the configuration dialog to set up your home node ID.

The default refresh interval is now 300 seconds (5 minutes) instead of 60 seconds, which was really too often. If you're an existing user, you might consider changing from 60 seconds to at least 180 or so. Helping reduce load on the monastery is a Good Thing. And realistically, unless you're Ovid or BUU, your XP doesn't go up or down that fast (respectively).

Slightly more detailed information on the changes, and the V1.4 download are available at


e-mail jcwren

In reply to (jcwren) Re: XPFixation -- New Version 1.4! </AOL> by jcwren
in thread XPFixation -- The Essential Windows XP Whoring Tool by jcwren

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