go ahead... be a heretic | |
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If you have four developers who are handy with Perl, Java, C++ and SQL, surely they can achieve vastly more than four purely Java developers.
Not sure what you mean here. Sorry , I meant each of them was quite competent in each langauge/domain. And whilst finding developers good in multiple languages is hard, my position stands that that these developers will be be better at development (as opposed to using neat features of one language) than a developer who knows one language. You don't understand the argument. It's not an argument to pick Java over Perl. It's an argument to not keep Perl. but they support that argument with the justification that Java can do anything Perl can - my position is that that is not a sufficient reason in itself to drop Perl Shouting doesn't help. I wasn't shouting, I was adding emphasis. +++++++++++++++++
In reply to Re: Re: Is Java really better than Perl???
by leriksen