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If you google "define:scripting language", it will give you a list of different definitions.

  • Some of those make sense:
    • A scripting language differentiates itself from other typical languages in that they are usually simpler to learn and use as well as not needing to be compiled. The language is interpreted at run-time so you can execuate instructions immediately.
    • A (relatively) simple programming language eg JavaScript and Visual Basic which can be used to create a script, which is a set of instructions for a computer. VBS is much favoured by virus writers seeking to exploit certain vulnerabilities in some Microsoft programs.
    • A simple programming language designed to perform special or limited tasks, sometimes associated with a particular application or function.
    • A programming language, usually suited to a particular purpose, that is easy to use and easy to learn. Scripting languages are usually designed for writing small programs like batch files. They are often loosely typed and have simple syntax to make them easy to use.
    • is an interpreted programming language that works within another application to perform tasks.
  • Several of them put a narrowed focus on web:
    • A programming language designed specifically for Web site programming. Examples include JavaScript and VBScript.
    • A specialized language used to create scripts that, when inserted into a Web page, control various elements of the page, such as the user interface, styles, and HTML markup.
  • Some are way too general :-)
    • The programming language in which a script is written.

Any way, as I always believed, Perl is not the kind of traditional scripting language.

In reply to Re: At Last, a Useful Definition of "Scripting Language" by pg
in thread At Last, a Useful Definition of "Scripting Language" by hardburn

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