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Well, this is not a sob story but I am still abiding my time waiting for all those wonderful things to happen to me too!
...But I think I will be waiting for a long time…. In England it seems that if you are a Perl programmer in MS-Windows world or most of your experiences was in Windows environment, then you’d have a snow balls chance in hell of getting a Perl programming Job - you may get a technical support role with a proactive scripting requirements- but never as a Perl programmer. There is absolutely no chance in that here. I have applied and applied to countless of Perl development position, to only to be told that I do not fit the requirements. In fact I was out of work for almost 9 months because I was looking for only Perl related positions, plus being a recent dad with a six month old baby daughter did not make things easy for me, I was sleepless and constantly under stress. Thinking back, maybe I should’ve learnt VB or Java instead, and maybe I could’ve kept my mortgage, home and daughter. I really never thought I needed to learn anything but Perl because I can almost achieve anything that anyone can challenge with in Perl! So much so, that some of my Perl tools have been described as pure magic by people who used them. I though the magic will never cease. I guess all this gone to my head and gave a false sense of confidance. Now, I find myself in an IT sales position….and feeling totally miserable and unsatisfied. Working with egoistic fat tossers who know nothing but how to spin big words… But hey, this is not a fault with wanting to learning Perl only, we all know that life is a bitch....in general.
In reply to Re: How has Perl helped you?
by blackadder