I am sorry that you perceive my comments so negatively, as an expression of ingratitude.... The fact that I am willing to talk about it, and to pose questions that are less than positive, does not mean I am ingrateful.
I have given you the wrong impression, so please accept my apology. I've not perceived any ingratitude from you here, and I think it's worth discussing perceptions of a project. My concerns are only for people who criticize the schedule of a project produced entirely by volunteer labor.
The intent of the original post in this thread was only to say that there are plenty of ways to volunteer that don't necessarily include writing code. Certainly I don't believe that everyone who wants to or will eventually use Perl 6 or Parrot will contribute anything, nor do I expect them to. I do believe that it's reasonably easy to contribute something useful in an afternoon, and I encourage everyone interested to do so. If everyone who wanted to see either or both projects succeed did so, we'd get much further much more quickly.
Again, I don't think you're ungrateful or out of line for starting this discussion, and I apologize for not being clear about that.
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