Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by valdez (Monsignor) on Mar 07, 2004 at 17:54 UTC
My list is:
update: I think WWW::Mechanize is too powerful for my needs; I don't need an automated browser, only a way to retrieve nodes and possibly have a different cache policy for them. Does this satisfy your curiosity? :)
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update: I think WWW::Mechanize is too powerful for my needs; I don't need an automated browser, only a way to retrieve nodes and possibly have a different cache policy for them. Does this satisfy your curiosity? :)
That's fine. I'm just curious as to what's coming out of the parsing that you're doing that Mech wouldn't do. Also, WWW::Mechanize::Cached does all the caching for you. It uses Cache::Cache, just like you are.
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by flyingmoose (Priest) on Mar 07, 2004 at 20:11 UTC
Lately, for me:
- File::Finder -- filter chaining all so much more elegant than File::Find
- Proc::Background -- makes me able to forget the differences of process execution between Win32 and other OS's
- File::Repl -- kind of cool non-local rsync-like module
- DBD::Pg -- the want for it never goes away :)
- WWW:Mechanize -- just played with it shortly, but definitely funky in a good way
- YAML -- actual concise hand-editable serialization! Yes!
- XML::Simple -- when folks aren't cool enough to use YAML :)
- Tk -- looks aside, you can't beat a clean GUI API
- MIDI::Simple -- has some fun examples, though my Computer Music for-fun projects aren't really going anywhere
- PAR -- solid gold for program distribution. Convert perl to binary, "essentially".
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by larsen (Parson) on Mar 07, 2004 at 22:26 UTC
Instead of listing my favourite modules, I'll mention the modules I'd like to become more familiar with or I'd like to study. In a sense, this should be my Favourite modules March 2005 :). In no particular order:
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by toma (Vicar) on Mar 08, 2004 at 02:27 UTC
These two seem to make simple things hard and
hard things simple:
It should work perfectly the first time! - toma
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File::Slurp and File::Flat? File::Flat has a slurp method, but neither it nor File::Slurp's use binmode (on purpose -- dumb).
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by TVSET (Chaplain) on Mar 07, 2004 at 20:42 UTC
- Class::DBI is currently number one in my list. It brought back the job of programming.
- Date::Calc makes me hate current date/time system in use a little less. Sometimes I still wonder though, why not devide a year into a proper number like a 100 or 128. :)
- Net::LDAP does not need any comment.
- Everything else is a more or less one-time per task use, so no more names.
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by greenFox (Vicar) on Mar 08, 2004 at 04:09 UTC
++ for pointing me towards File::Slurp, I'd like to see this one added to the core along with an implementation of tilly's idea, perhaps r/R?
Favourite modules (picked because I use them a lot and listed alphabetically):
Modules to learn this year:
-- Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. -Basho
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Why in CORE? Besides, module is broken.
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Because I use perl on a large number and variety of machines where installing modules is not always practical or possible, if it is in core I don't have to worry.
I understand there are moves afoot to "slim down" core and I don't object to that but personally I think both of the modules I mentioned are small and useful enough to warrant including them... not that I expect my opinion to carry any weight :)
-- Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. -Basho
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by PodMaster (Abbot) on Mar 08, 2004 at 07:15 UTC
I use lot of modules {and I like a lot of those I use},
but favorite status is very hard to achieve,
which is why I only have a single favorite this time {I am excited}: Test::Pod::Coverage.
These I like, they're kind of new (some just to me)(:
MJD says "you can't just make shit up and expect the computer to know what you mean, retardo!" | I run a Win32 PPM repository for perl 5.6.x and 5.8.x -- I take requests (README). | ** The third rule of perl club is a statement of fact: pod is sexy. |
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by castaway (Parson) on Mar 08, 2004 at 09:47 UTC
Favourite/Most used modules currently:
(no particular order)
Used but not much re-used:
New kids on the block:
Looked cool but failed to install itself+dependencies:
Module list courtesy of: perl -MExtUtils::Installed -le'print join("\n", ExtUtils::Installed->new->modules)' (only been using this machine since December)
im2 uses a whole bunch daily, including 5 date/time modules, damn I wish there was one that "did it all".
C. | [reply] [d/l] |
I don't have a Top 10 List prepared, but I've been playing with File::Scan lately. I primarily use Linux - but when people send me viruses I like to see if this module can catch it. Most times it does, or at least labels them as "suspicious".
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by dragonchild (Archbishop) on Mar 08, 2004 at 02:26 UTC
The enormous number of tests also made me like it a little less: it takes too long to install.
This statement made me pause. Why are a large number of tests a "Bad Thing"(tm)? I would think that more tests would imply better code. (I am not naive enough to think it ensures better good, but if two pieces of code were in front of me and 1 passed 100 unique tests and the other 1000 unique tests, I'd be more confident initially with the latter ...)
Plus, don't you install each distribution only once in a while?
We are the carpenters and bricklayers of the Information Age.
Please remember that I'm crufty and crochety. All opinions are purely mine and all code is untested, unless otherwise specified.
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Why are a large number of tests a "Bad Thing"(tm)?
They become a bad thing when you have 157732 tests for 2245 lines of code. That is 70 tests per line of code, while of course a lot of lines don't even contain any logic. make test for Regexp::Common takes too long. I've already met a sysadmin who refused to install it because of that and I'm slowly becoming one myself.
if two pieces of code were in front of me and 1 passed 100 unique tests and the other 1000 unique tests, I'd be more confident initially with the latter
Of course, but do you really need thousands of tests for zipcodes? Are these thirty six thousand tests really needed for a palindrome regex?
Plus, don't you install each distribution only once in a while?
Yes, but I dislike this test suite that takes minutes to run for the same reason I dislike compiling from source. I am lazy and impatient and that is exactly why I like Perl.
There's only one thing regarding testing that I dislike more than an exaggerated test suite like Regexp::Common's and that is not having tests at all. I think R::C could do with only, say, a tenth or maybe a hundredth of its current test suite. For development, a huger one might be nice, but 1.5e5 tests on installation is more than I'd like.
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I'm still confused. What's wrong with kicking off an installation and going to get a cigarette or a cup of coffee? Kick it off, then go to lunch. Or, kick it off at home and go watch the latest SG-1 episode ... That's what I do when I'm installing OSes or Apache, and those take over an hour each. *shrugs* I guess that it seems a little too impatient, in my book.
And, frankly, I don't think that thousands of tests for regexes is ridiculous. It's extremely easy to get them every-so-slightly wrong. Abigail-II is right, imho, to provide that kind of coverage. Those regexes are going to be depended on for business decisions. It might be a small part, but it's nice to know that "It Will Just Work".
And, the test suite on installation isn't always just for installation. I've played with making changes to many modules. I use their test suite for making sure my changes are backwards-compatible.
Now, maybe it might be useful for "make test" to have a "make test TEST_TYPE=dev" vs. "make test TEST_TYPE=install" (which would be the default). Then, the tester would indicate a subset of tests which are regression-only and which ones should always run.
Plus, you can install the distribution without running the test suite ...
We are the carpenters and bricklayers of the Information Age.
Please remember that I'm crufty and crochety. All opinions are purely mine and all code is untested, unless otherwise specified.
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Hmm, I just installed it and it only took about 60-90 seconds or so. That's not a big problem AFAIC.
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Plus, don't you install each distribution only once in a while?
Define "once in a while". I install CPAN modules
less often than I use them, but I don't very often
go a week without installing some modules off of CPAN
onto one or more of the various computers that I use
or administer at home or at work. Long install times
are annoying, annoying enough that I have developed
this little habbit of doing screen -R CPAN,
starting the install, detaching, and doing something
else for a while. But I can't continue to work on
whatever I was doing until the install finishes. I
wish more of the modules on CPAN were pure Perl so
they wouldn't take so long to install. It is my
sincere hope that in Perl6 XS will be unnecessary
and heavily deprecated.
split//,".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$;[-1]->();print
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by exussum0 (Vicar) on Mar 07, 2004 at 22:03 UTC
SpreadSheet::Excel.. how i love AND hate thee. excel files in windows excel load up rather quickly, but it is such a bear for doing so with this terrible little module. But alas, it's so terrible, but works so well.
While I love LWP, I wish it were named something a bit.. nicer. When someone asked me on an interview once what it was, Light Weight Process was my immediate answer. Of course, they chuckled as I was told that I did very well on their test, 'cept they meant perl's LWP. (Doh) | [reply] |
Have you taken a look at Excel::Template? It simplifies the creation of Excel files, and uses the same data structure that HTML::Template uses, making Excel-ification of HTML reports quite ... simple. :-)
We are the carpenters and bricklayers of the Information Age.
Please remember that I'm crufty and crochety. All opinions are purely mine and all code is untested, unless otherwise specified.
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Well, for converting from Excel to CSV, it's simple as they give you the example. :) Can't get simpler than that.
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by lestrrat (Deacon) on Mar 08, 2004 at 12:17 UTC
Modules I use all the time:
Modules I'd like to know more about:
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by jonadab (Parson) on Mar 08, 2004 at 23:23 UTC
Here's the short list of modules I don't like to be
caught without. These are the ones that I don't just
find convenient from time to time but rely on
- CPAN. Perl isn't properly installed until
this is set up, as far as I'm concerned.
- DateTime (I might die without this one.)
Also certain DateTime::Format modules
to go with it.
- DBI and one of the DBD modules. (I've
been using DBD::mysql, but one of the others will
probably do just as well. You want the corresponding
DateTime::Format module, e.g.,
DateTime::Format::MySQL, to go with it.)
I also have my own little wrapper module with
functions for my most common queries (add (takes
a table name and a hashref), update (ditto), and
so on), but if
I need to do something I don't have a function
for I can always hand-build a query on the
db handle.
- WWW::Mechanize saves a lot of time.
If you do a lot of this, you might also want
HTML::Tree as a companion.
The look_down method is pretty keen.
- Archive::Zip is spectacularly
useful, especially for dealing with OpenOffice
documents. (Next question: will I eventually
pick an XML module similar to HTML::Tree
and use that in conjunction with Archive::Zip
for parsing, modifying, and saving my documents?
So far I'm still dealing with the XML by hand...)
- Data::Dumper is a really useful debugging
aid. There's also Data::Dumper::Streamer
- Clone::PP is helpful. The most common
things I clone are DateTime objects.
- Finally, I have a handful of my own include files
that I wouldn't want to be without; I copy them to
every system I use Perl on. These aren't modules
per se, as I 'require' rather than 'use' them.
split//,".rekcah lreP rehtona tsuJ";$\=$;[-1]->();print
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by tsee (Curate) on Mar 10, 2004 at 17:57 UTC
The modules I use most in my stand-alone scripts are: (list was generated by a script, strict and friends removed)
- Data::Dumper
- Pod::Usage
- File::Find
- Imager or GD (using Imager exclusively now)
- Parse::RecDescent (for fancy input parsing)
- Getopt::Long
- DB_File (for hash-persistance)
- Config::IniFiles
- HTML::Template
- File::Stream
- Tie::Hash::Abbrev (for shell like interfaces)
- File::Copy
In my modules (, I tend to require other modules: (hand-selected list)
- Carp
- Data::Dumper
- Test::More, Test::Distribution (staring to use this), Pod::Coverage
- Parse::RecDescent
- Imager, GD
- many modules in the Math::* section since I'm developing Math::* modules myself pretty actively. Examples: Math::Complex, Math::Approx, Math::Spline, Math::Big*, Math::MatrixReal, etc.
- perltidy (or Perl::Tidy), well, at least indirectly.
- and many more...
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Re: Favourite modules March 2004
by coldhawk (Monk) on Mar 09, 2004 at 13:50 UTC
I don't currently use that many modules, because i fancy security and many modules that i would needed for this and that weren't that secure, and most cases just as lazy person i am, i wrote the whole code part myself. only in last resource i start fixing or changing thigs to way i like them on ready made modules, when i can't find or there isn't enough time/lazyness to start learning that. but what i have just browsed i have noticed there are lot of good modules out there, but i just haven't got time to start checking them out.
here are currently what i have used for this/last year often.
CGI = only used it for multipart forms, until i got some time to read more about their used format.
Digest::MD5 # always for passwords.
File::Copy # just to keep me from doing it without copy/unlink style.
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