in reply to Win32::FileOp window positioning?

You cannot use anchor popup to do that.
But there are work around, for example you can draw the dialog box like this at 50x50 screen coord*:
use Tk; $mw = MainWindow -> new; $openbutton = $mw -> Button ( -text => 'Open', -command => \&opensub, )-> pack; sub opensub { $top = $mw ->Toplevel; $top -> wm('geometry', '0x0+50+50'); $top->overrideredirect(1); $type_file = [['GIF Image', '.gif'], ['JPG Image', '.jpg']]; $file_openned = $top->getOpenFile(-filetypes => $type_file, -title => 'Choose an image', -defaultextension => \$type_file); } MainLoop;

Hope this help.

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Re: Re: Win32::FileOp window positioning?
by spikey_wan (Scribe) on Mar 19, 2004 at 11:50 UTC
    Wow, thanks Didier, that's a really neat trick! I can see lots of uses for that already! The problem is, though, you used getOpenFile, and I need to use the OpenDialog, SaveAsDialog, and BrowseForFolder. Still a neat trick, though.