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Re: What is this can() and why is breaking it (un)acceptable?

by jonadab (Parson)
on Apr 08, 2004 at 11:01 UTC ( [id://343574]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re: What is this can() and why is breaking it (un)acceptable?
in thread Why breaking can() is acceptable

your Camel book is out of date, but thankfully, is not.

If I start using online docs, I'm going to end up wanting to keep every system up to date with the latest perl all the time. I was hoping to avoid that until Perl6 comes out. At present I use systems that have everything ranging from 5.005 through 5.6.1 to 5.8.1, and this has never proven to be a problem, not even when using a lot of modules off of the CPAN. I wouldn't want to start relying on all the latest features; that would be bad design for sure, and not only in terms of OO purity.

In retrospect, my other post seems to have come across as a little harsh. For that I'm sorry. But I disagree that it's bad design to break something that's a fairly new feature anyway, within the same major version (Perl5).

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