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Re: Is Java really better than Perl???

by coreolyn (Parson)
on Apr 20, 2004 at 16:37 UTC ( [id://346700]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Is Java really better than Perl???

Sorry I have to 'whine'

    2) Unsuitability of the language itself for large-scale development i.e poor IDE support, debugging support, GUI, Web work, etc - this was documented in the "Mid Range Language Strategy Document" last year.

What the F does IDE and GUI's have to do with the cost of doing business?????? Ug..

I'm a command line commando and proud of it

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Re: Re: Is Java really better than Perl???
by adrianh (Chancellor) on Apr 26, 2004 at 14:55 UTC
    What the F does IDE and GUI's have to do with the cost of doing business

    Oh, I can think of a few:

    • Cost of purchasing/supporting multiple IDEs/editors
    • Cost of training people to use multiple editors/IDEs
    • Cost of having to implement the company-wide SCM policy in multiple environments

      GUI's do not increase real productivity. Knowlege does, GUI's 'dumb down' learning. Eliminate the GUI's -- now there's real cost savings. 1 command line commando can accomplish the work of an entire department of GUI programmers.
        GUI's do not increase real productivity. Knowlege does, GUI's 'dumb down' learning. Eliminate the GUI's -- now there's real cost savings. 1 command line commando can accomplish the work of an entire department of GUI programmers.

        GUI based tools and command line tools are just tools. People can use them well or badly.

        Personally I'd like to have Eclipse around to help automate some Java refactoring. I like having Interface Builder around to help build Mac OS X interfaces with. I like using GUI tools for what they're good at, and command line tools for what they're good at.

        Or should I prefer ed to vi or emacs because it's less GUIish? :-)

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