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Re: Re: Re^2: Is Java really better than Perl???

by TimToady (Parson)
on Apr 24, 2004 at 02:50 UTC ( [id://347812]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Re^2: Is Java really better than Perl???
in thread Is Java really better than Perl???

Well, I guess I wasn't a real programmer, because I only had to walk uphill one way through the snow to see if the computer was still up. Which is why I actually did whistle at 110--whenever the lights would flicker in my girlfriend's dorm room while we were smooching, I would call up the modem and whistle 110 at it, and if it warbled back, I knew the computer was still up, and I didn't have to trudge uphill through the snow. Actually, this was in Seattle, so rain was much more likely...

And no, you can't blackmail me with that story, because, Gentle Reader, I married her. (The girl, that is.)

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Re^5: Is Java really better than Perl???
by adrianh (Chancellor) on Apr 24, 2004 at 12:20 UTC
    Well, I guess I wasn't a real programmer, because I only had to walk uphill one way through the snow to see if the computer was still up.

    I think it's the "girlfriend" bit that disproves the "real programmer" bit ;-)

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