use Storable;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
sub stash_file{
# $array can be any reference.
# I'm not storing in network order now, 'cuz I don't need to.
# I will if I need to.
sysopen(DF,"$filename", O_RDWR | O_CREAT,0666)
or die("Couldn't open $filename: $!");
or die("Couldn't lock $filename: $!");
Storable::store_fd($array, *DF)
or die("Couldn't store $filename: $!");
truncate(DF, tell(DF));
sub get_file{
my $filename=shift;
# This restores the structure and returns it as a reference.
open(DF, "< $filename")
or die("Couldn't open $filename $!");
flock(DF, LOCK_SH)
or die("Couldn't lock $filename $!");
my $doc = Storable::fd_retrieve(\*DF);
return $doc;
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