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BathCalc 2.0

by ~~David~~ (Hermit)
on Sep 01, 2004 at 20:27 UTC ( [id://387696]=sourcecode: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??
Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info David Daycock
Description: Utility to calculate chemical concentrations and bath pour up volumes. Written using Tk. Thank you PerlMonks for all of the help!
#!/usr/bin/env perl -w

require Tk;
use Tk;
use Tk::Font;
use Tk::Text;
use Tk::ROText;
use English;

use strict;
use warnings;

our %density = (
                DI => "1.0",
                HF => "1.16",
                NH4OH => "0.9",
                H202 => "1.11",
                HCl => "1.18",
                H2SO4 => "1.84",
                Citric => "1",
                NH4F => "1.01",
                TMAH => "1.0",
                Nitric => "1.415",
                Acetic => "1.05",
                Phosphoric => "1.7",
                IPA  => "0.79"

our %concentration =(
                DI => "1.0",
                HF => "0.49",
                NH4OH => "0.29",
                H202 => "0.3",
                HCl => "0.37",
                H2SO4 => ".98",
                Citric => "0.5",
                NH4F => "0.4",
                TMAH => "0.25",
                Nitric => "0.7",
                Acetic => "0.8",
                Phosphoric => "0.85",
                IPA => "1.0"

my $mw = MainWindow->new;

$mw -> title("BathCalc Selection");
$mw -> geometry("+200+200");

#Setting frames in main window.
my $menuframe = $mw -> Frame(
        -relief => "groove",
        -borderwidth => 2
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x",
my $topframe = $mw -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x",
        -padx => 10,
        -pady => 5
my $midframe = $mw -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x",
        -padx => 10,
my $botframe = $mw -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x",
        -padx => 10,
        -pady => 5
#command to make a file menubutton
my $file_mw = $menuframe -> Menubutton (
        -text => "File",
        -activeforeground => "grey"
        ) -> pack (-side => 'left');
$file_mw -> command(
        -label => "Exit",
        -command => sub{$mw -> destroy}
my $help_mw = $menuframe -> Menubutton (
        -text => "Help",
        -activeforeground => "grey"
        ) -> pack (-side => 'right');
$help_mw -> command(
        -label => "About",
        -command => sub{&ABOUT});    
#setting up selections as to where to go next
my $rb;
my $r1=$midframe->Radiobutton(
    -text=>"Calculate Amount of Material to Pour a Bath", 
    ) -> pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'w');
my $r2=$midframe->Radiobutton(
    -text=>"Convert Chemical Ratio to Mass Percent", 
    ) -> pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'w');
my $r3=$midframe->Radiobutton(
    -text=>"Display Assumptions", 
    ) -> pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'w');
my $text1 = $topframe->Label (
    -text => "Selection:",
    -font => '{times new roman} 14'
    ) -> pack(-side => 'top', -anchor => 'w');

my $actionButton = $botframe -> Button(
    -text => "Go",
    -command => \&CHOOSE
    ) -> pack(-side => 'left', -padx => '50', -pady => '20');

my $exitButton = $botframe -> Button(
    -text => "Quit",
    -command => sub{exit}
    ) -> pack(-side => 'right', -padx => '50', -pady => '20');

MainLoop ();

    if ($rb == 1)
    elsif ($rb == 2)
    elsif ($rb == 3)
#   This creates the window for the make bath screen
#  This subroutine will generate a new window that will require user i
+nput to calculate volumes
#  density will be displayed and allow users to change if they need to
+ do so.
#  required to pour up a bath of known size and concentration.  The de
+fault concentration and 
#          MAIN -> MB

sub MAKE_BATH   
    my $mb = MainWindow -> new;
    $mb -> title("Bath Pour Up");
    $mb -> geometry("+200+200");

#this frame is going to be the menu bar.
    my $frame1 = $mb -> Frame(
        -relief => "groove",
        -borderwidth => 3
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x"
    my $file_mb = $frame1 -> Menubutton (
        -text => "File",
        -activeforeground => "grey"
        ) -> pack (-side => 'left');
    $file_mb -> command(
        -label => "Exit",
        -command => sub{$mb -> destroy});

    my $help_mb = $frame1 -> Menubutton (
        -text => "Help",
        -activeforeground => "grey"
        ) -> pack (-side => 'right');
    $help_mb -> command(
        -label => "Help",
        -command => sub{&MBHELP}
    $help_mb -> separator();
    $help_mb -> command(
        -label => "About",
        -command => sub{&ABOUT}

#The next section sets up all of the frames I will need, many, many fr

    my $midhold = $mb -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x",
        -padx => 3
    my $frame2 = $midhold -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -anchor => "n"
    my $frame3 = $midhold -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -anchor => "n"
    my $calcVolframe = $mb -> Frame(
    -borderwidth => 3
        -side => "top", 
        -fill => 'x', 
    my $frame12 = $mb -> Frame(  #this is the bottom frame with the st
+atus button in it.
    -relief => "raised", 
    -borderwidth => 3
        -side => "bottom", 
        -fill => 'x', 

    our $totalvolume;
    my $voltext = $calcVolframe -> Entry(
        -textvariable => \$totalvolume,
        -width => 5
        ) -> pack(
            -side => 'right',
            -padx => 36);
    my $volLbl = $calcVolframe ->Label(
        -text => "Bath Volume (L):"
        ) -> pack(-side=>'right');
#Calculate Button Below
    my $calcButton = $calcVolframe -> Button(
        -text => "Calculate",
        -command => \&VOLCALC
        ) -> pack(-side => 'left', -padx => '50', -pady => '10');
#Calculate Button Above
    our $i = 0;
    our(@wtpercent, @wtpercentbox, @concentration, $isSolv, @volume, @
+density, %chemname, @volumebox);
    my (@concentrationbox, @densitybox);

    #need to make sure that concentration and density are always in th
+e same order.
    my $j = 0;
    foreach (sort keys(%concentration)){    
        $concentration[$j] = $concentration{$_};
        $density[$j] = $density{$_};
        $chemname{$_} = $j;
        $wtpercent[$j] = 0;

    my $headingOne = $frame3 ->Label(
        -text => "Solvent",
        -relief => "raised"
        ) -> grid (-column=>0, -row => 1);
    my $headingTwo = $frame3 ->Label(
        -relief => "raised",
        -text => "Chemical Name"
        ) -> grid (-column=>1, -row => 1);
    my $headingThree = $frame3 ->Label(
        -relief => "raised",
        -text => "Density (g/mL)"
        ) -> grid (-column=>2, -row => 1);    
    my $headingFour = $frame3 ->Label(
        -text => "Concentration (%)",
        -relief => "raised"
        ) -> grid (-column=>3, -row => 1);        
    my $headingFive = $frame3 ->Label(
        -text => "Wt %",
        -relief => "raised",
        -width => 5
        ) -> grid (-column=>4, -row => 1);
    my $headingSix = $frame3 ->Label(
        -text => "Calculated Volume (L)",
        -relief => "raised"
        ) -> grid (-column=>5, -row => 1);

    for my $x (sort keys %density) {
        my $row = $i+2;
            -variable => \$isSolv,
            -command=>[\&colorme, $i])->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>0);
        $densitybox[$i] = $frame3->Entry(-bg=>'grey', -width => 5, -te
+xtvariable => \$density[$i])->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>2);
        $concentrationbox[$i] = $frame3->Entry(-bg=>'grey', -width => 
+5, -textvariable => \$concentration[$i])->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>3)
        $wtpercentbox[$i] = $frame3->Entry(-bg=>'white', -width => 5, 
+-textvariable => \$wtpercent[$i])->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>4);
        $volumebox[$i] = $frame3->Entry(-bg=>'grey', -width => 7, -tex
+tvariable => \$volume[$i])->grid(-row=>$row,-column=>5);   
        our $statustext = "Please enter desired weight percent and sol
        my $statuslabel = $frame12 -> Label(
            -text => "Status: "
            ) -> pack(-side => "left");
        my $status =$frame12 -> Entry(
            -textvariable => \$statustext,
            -foreground => 'red',
            -width => 60
            ) -> pack(-side => "left");

#   This creates the window for the ratio screen
#          MAIN -> RATIO
sub RATIO   

    my $rt = MainWindow -> new;
    $rt -> title("Ratio to Weight Percent");
    $rt -> geometry("+200+200");

#this frame is going to be the menu bar.
    my $frame1 = $rt -> Frame(
        -relief => "groove",
        -borderwidth => 3
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x"
    my $file_rt = $frame1 -> Menubutton (
        -text => "File",
        -activeforeground => "grey"
        ) -> pack (-side => 'left');
    $file_rt -> command(
        -label => "Exit",
        -command => sub{$rt -> destroy});

    my $help_rt = $frame1 -> Menubutton (
        -text => "Help",
        -activeforeground => "grey"
        ) -> pack (-side => 'right');
    $help_rt -> command(
        -label => "Help",
        -command => sub{&RTHELP}
    $help_rt -> separator();
    $help_rt -> command(
        -label => "About",
        -command => sub{&ABOUT}        

#The next section sets up all of the frames I will need, many, many fr

    my $midhold = $rt -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -fill => "x",
        -padx => 3
    my $frame2 = $midhold -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -anchor => "n"
    our $rtframe3 = $midhold -> Frame()->pack(
        -side => "top",
        -anchor => "n"
    our $calcVolframe = $rt -> Frame(
    -borderwidth => 3
        -side => "top", 
        -fill => 'x', 
    my $frame12 = $rt -> Frame(  #this is the bottom frame with the st
+atus button in it.
    -relief => "raised", 
    -borderwidth => 3
        -side => "bottom", 
        -fill => 'x', 
    our $VolButton = $calcVolframe -> Button(
        -text => "Bath Volume >>",
        -command => \&RATIOSUP
        ) -> pack(-side => 'right', -padx => '5', -pady => '5');

    our $mOrv;
    my $mOrvbutton = $calcVolframe -> Radiobutton(
        -variable => \$mOrv,
        -value => "M",
        -width => 5
        ) -> pack(
            -side => 'right');
    my $massText = $calcVolframe -> Label(
        -text => "Mass Ratio ",
        -padx => 2) -> pack(-side => "right");        
    my $mOrvbutton2 = $calcVolframe -> Radiobutton(
        -variable => \$mOrv,
        -value => "V",
        -width => 5
        ) -> pack(
            -side => 'right');
    my $volLbl = $calcVolframe ->Label(
        -text => "Volume Ratio:"
        ) -> pack(-side=>'right');

#Calculate Button Below
    my $calcButton = $calcVolframe -> Button(
        -text => "Calculate",
        -command => \&RATIOCALC
        ) -> pack(-side => 'left', -padx => '50', -pady => '10');
#Calculate Button Above

    our(@ratio, @ratiobox, @concentration, @wtPercent, @density, %chem
+name, @wtpercentbox, @ratioVolbox, @ratioVol);
    my (@concentrationbox, @densitybox);

    #need to make sure that concentration and density are always in th
+e same order.
    my $j = 0;
    foreach (sort keys(%concentration)){    
        $concentration[$j] = $concentration{$_};
        $density[$j] = $density{$_};
        $chemname{$_} = $j;
        $ratio[$j] = 0;
        $wtPercent[$j] = 0;

    my $headingTwo = $rtframe3 ->Label(
        -relief => "raised",
        -text => "Chemical Name"
        ) -> grid (-column=>1, -row => 1, -padx => 3, -pady =>2);
    my $headingThree = $rtframe3 ->Label(
        -relief => "raised",
        -text => "Density (g/mL)"
        ) -> grid (-column=>2, -row => 1, -padx => 3, -pady =>2);    
    my $headingFour = $rtframe3 ->Label(
        -text => "Concentration",
        -relief => "raised"
        ) -> grid (-column=>3, -row => 1, -padx => 3, -pady =>2);     
    my $headingFive = $rtframe3 ->Label(
        -text => "Ratio",
        -relief => "raised",
        -width => 5
        ) -> grid (-column=>4, -row => 1, -padx => 3, -pady =>2);
    my $headingSix = $rtframe3 ->Label(
        -text => "Calculated Wt Percent",
        -relief => "raised"
        ) -> grid (-column=>5, -row => 1, -padx => 3, -pady =>2);

    my $i = 0;
    for my $chems (sort keys %density) {
        my $row = $i+2;
        $densitybox[$i] = $rtframe3->Entry(-bg=>'grey', -width => 5, -
+textvariable => \$density[$i], -justify => "center")->grid(-row=>$row
        $concentrationbox[$i] = $rtframe3->Entry(-bg=>'grey', -width =
+> 5, -textvariable => \$concentration[$i], -justify => "center")->gri
        $ratiobox[$i] = $rtframe3->Entry(-bg=>'white', -width => 5, -t
+extvariable => \$ratio[$i], -justify => "center")->grid(-row=>$row,-c
        $wtpercentbox[$i] = $rtframe3->Entry(-bg=>'grey', -textvariabl
+e => \$wtPercent[$i], -width => 5,  -justify => "center")->grid(-row=
        our $statustext = "Please enter desired ratio and whether wt o
+r vol percent.";
        my $statuslabel = $frame12 -> Label(
            -text => "Status: "
            ) -> pack(-side => "left");
        my $status =$frame12 -> Entry(
            -textvariable => \$statustext,
            -foreground => 'red',
            -width => 60
            ) -> pack(-side => "left");

#   This sub is responsible for calculating the wt percents of the che
#   supplied in the ratio screen
#          MAIN -> MB -> VOLCALC
    our(@wtpercent, @wtpercentbox, @concentration, @volume, @density, 
+%chemname, @volumebox, $isSolv, $statustext, $totalvolume);
    my @densityfraction;
    if (defined($totalvolume)){
        if (defined($isSolv)){
            my @chemname =  (sort keys(our %density));    
            my $solventname = $chemname[$isSolv];        
            $statustext = "Calculating";
            my @concRatio;
            $wtpercent[$isSolv] = 0;
            for (my $i=0; $i <= $#chemname; $i++){
                $concRatio[$i] = (.01 * $wtpercent[$i]) / $concentrati
                $densityfraction[$i] = $concRatio[$i] * $density[$i];
            my $percentsolvent = 1 - sum(@concRatio);
            my $densityfractionsolvent = $percentsolvent * $density[$i
            $densityfraction[$isSolv] =  $densityfractionsolvent; 
            my $estdensity = sum(@densityfraction);
            my $totalmass = $totalvolume * $estdensity;
            my @componentmass = map{$_ * $totalmass}@concRatio;
            my $i;
            for ($i=0; $i <= $#componentmass; $i++){
                $volume[$i] = $componentmass[$i] / $density[$i];
            my $volumewithoutsolvent = sum(@volume);
            $volume[$isSolv] = $totalvolume - $volumewithoutsolvent;
            $statustext = ("Calculation Complete");
        my $l = 0;
        foreach (@volume){
            $volume[$l] = sprintf("%.3f", $volume[$l]);

            foreach (@volume){
                if ($_ < 0){
                    $statustext = "You screwed up somewhere!"
            $statustext = "You need to select a solvent"
        $statustext = "You need to provide a bath volume";

#   This sub is responsible for calculating the wt percents of the che
#   supplied in the ratio screen
#          MAIN -> RT -> RATIOCALC
    our ($mOrv, @ratio, @density, @concentration, %chemname, @wtPercen
+t, $statustext, @wtpercentbox);
    our (@volratio, $totalVol, @ratioVol);
    my (@wtPureAmt, @residualDI);

    if (defined($mOrv)){
        $statustext = "Calculating...";
        if ($mOrv eq "V"){    
            for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ratio; $i++){
                $ratio[$i] = $ratio[$i] * $density[$i];
                $mOrv = "M";
        for (my $j = 0; $j <= $#ratio; $j++){
            $wtPureAmt[$j] = $ratio[$j] * $concentration[$j];

        for (my $k = 0; $k <= $#ratio; $k++){
            $residualDI[$k] = $ratio[$k] * (1 - $concentration[$k]);

        my $totalmass = sum(@ratio);
        my $diIndex = $chemname{'DI'};
        if ($totalmass != 0){@wtPercent = map{$_ / $totalmass}@wtPureA
+mt}else{$statustext = "You need to give me numbers!"};

        if ($wtPureAmt[$diIndex] == 0)
            $wtPercent[$diIndex] = sum(@residualDI) / $totalmass;
            $wtPercent[$diIndex] = (sum(@residualDI) + $wtPureAmt[$diI
+ndex]) / $totalmass;

        $statustext = "Calculation Complete";

        $statustext = "You need to select weight or volume ratio!"
    my $l = 0;
    foreach (@wtPercent){
        $wtPercent[$l] = sprintf("%.3f", $wtPercent[$l]);
        $wtPercent[$l] = $wtPercent[$l] * 100;
        $wtpercentbox[$l] -> configure( -textvariable => \$wtPercent[$

    if ($totalVol != 0){
        if (our $volEntryOpen == 1){    
                if ($mOrv eq "M"){    
                for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#ratio; $i++){
                    $volratio[$i] = $ratio[$i] / $density[$i];
            my $j;    
            for ($j=0; $j <= $#volratio; $j++){
                $ratioVol[$j] = $totalVol * ($volratio[$j] / sum(@volr
                $ratioVol[$j] = sprintf("%.3f", $ratioVol[$j]);
        $statustext = "You need to provide a total volume in liters."

#   this subroutine sums the numbers passed to it.  Returns a single v
sub sum
    my $sum = 0;
    foreach my $line (@_)
        $sum += $line;
    return $sum;

#  This subroutine disables and colors the wtpercentbox of the selecte
#  solvent in the Make Bath calculation window
#          MAIN -> MB -> COLORME
sub colorme {
    our @wtpercentbox;
    my $i = shift;
    $wtpercentbox[$i]->configure(-state => 'disabled');  

#  This window is created when the Bath Volume button is pushed in the
#  ratio window calculation screen.  It will provide the volumes of ch
#  to add to create a bath of known volume
#               RT -> RATIO -> RATIOSUP

sub RATIOSUP              

    our (@ratio, $rtframe3, @ratioVol, @ratioVolbox, $VolButton, $calc
+Volframe, $totalVol, $statustext, $mOrv, @density);
    my ($row, @volratio);
    my $headingSeven = $rtframe3 ->Label(
        -text => "Pour Up Volume (L)",
        -relief => "raised"
        ) -> grid (-column=>6, -row => 1, -padx => 3, -pady =>2);
    $VolButton -> packForget;
    $statustext = "You need to provide a total volume";
    my $i = 0;
    foreach my $line (@ratio) {
        $row = $i+2;
            $ratioVolbox[$i] = $rtframe3->Entry(-bg=>'grey', -width =>
+ 7, -textvariable => \$ratioVol[$i], -justify => 'center')->grid(-row
    my $newrow = $row +1;
    our $totvolbox = $rtframe3 -> Entry(-bg => 'white', -width => 7, -
+textvariable => \$totalVol, -justify => 'center') -> grid (-row=>$new
+row, -column => 6, -pady => 3);
    my $totvolLab = $rtframe3 -> Label(-text => "Total Volume (L)") ->
+ grid (-row=>$newrow, -column => 5, -pady => 3);
    our $volEntryOpen = 1;

#  This window is the about box for all windows
#          MAIN -> ABOUT
sub ABOUT       #The about box in the help menu!
    my $aboutwin = MainWindow -> new;
    $aboutwin -> title("About");
    $aboutwin -> geometry("+210+210");
    my $aboutleftframe = $aboutwin -> Frame() -> pack(-side => "left")
    my $aboutrightframe = $aboutwin -> Frame() -> pack(-side => "left"
    my $exitButton = $aboutrightframe -> Button(
    -text => "Close",
    -command => sub{destroy $aboutwin}
    ) -> pack(-side => 'right', -padx => '10', -pady => '10');
    my $words = qq(
BathCalc ver.2.0

Written by David Daycock.

August 2004    

Send bugs to:
    my $aboutText = $aboutleftframe->Scrolled('ROText',
                   -height => '10',
                   -width => '20',
                   -wrap => "word",
                   -scrollbars => 'osoe',
   $aboutText -> insert('end', $words);
   $aboutText -> pack(-side => "left", -padx => '10', -pady => '10');

#  This is the HELP MENU in the RATIO CALC window
my $rthelpwin = MainWindow -> new;
    $rthelpwin -> title("Help");
    $rthelpwin -> geometry("+210+210");
    my $rthelpleftframe = $rthelpwin -> Frame() -> pack(-side => "left
    my $rthelprightframe = $rthelpwin -> Frame() -> pack(-side => "lef
    my $words = qq(
This utility will help you calculate mass percentages and volumes to p
+our up baths.

The concentration and the densities have been provided based on standa
+rd concentrated chemicals.  These values are able to be modified by t
+he user.  Concentrations are provided in weight fraction, and density
+ in grams per mL.

When you click the "Make Bath" button, you will be prompted to enter a
+ total bath volume in liters.

    my $rthelpText = $rthelpleftframe->Scrolled('ROText',
                   -height => '25',
                   -width => '100',
                   -wrap => "word",
                   -scrollbars => 'osoe',
   $rthelpText -> insert('end', $words);
   $rthelpText -> pack(-side => "left", -padx => '10', -pady => '10');


#  This is the HELP MENU in the MAKE BATH CALC window
my $mbhelpwin = MainWindow -> new;
    $mbhelpwin -> title("Help");
    $mbhelpwin -> geometry("+210+210");
    my $mbhelpframe = $mbhelpwin -> Frame() -> pack(-side => "left");
    my $words = qq(
This utility will calculate pour up volumes if you have desired final 
+wt percent goal.
The wt percent column should be entered as mass fraction * 100.  (0.02
+ mass fraction of component A = 2 (wt %));

You will need to provide a total bath volume, then select the solvent.
+  For instance, if I want to pour up 12L of 2% TMAH in DI, you would 
+first type in 12 in the Bath Volume box, then click the DI radio butt
+on, then type "2" in wt % box in the TMAH row.  

Results are supplied in Liters rounded to the nearest mL.

    my $mbhelpText = $mbhelpframe->Scrolled('ROText',
                   -height => '25',
                   -width => '100',
                   -wrap => "word",
                   -scrollbars => 'osoe',
   $mbhelpText -> insert('end', $words);
   $mbhelpText -> pack(-side => "left", -padx => '10', -pady => '10');

#  This is the Assumptions window from the top main window
    my $assumewin = MainWindow -> new;
    $assumewin -> title("Assumptions");
    $assumewin -> geometry("+210+210");
    my $assumeframe = $assumewin -> Frame() -> pack(-side => "left");
    my $words = qq(

The only assumption you can not modify is this:  When calculating bath
+ pour up based on desired weight pecent, the denisty of the total sol
+ution is assumed to be the mass percent weighted averages of the comp
+onents' density.
    my $assumeText = $assumeframe->Scrolled('ROText',
                   -height => '25',
                   -width => '50',
                   -wrap => "word",
                   -scrollbars => 'osoe',
   $assumeText -> insert('end', $words);
   $assumeText -> pack(-side => "left", -padx => '10', -pady => '10');
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: BathCalc 2.0
by SciDude (Friar) on Sep 02, 2004 at 01:52 UTC

    It is wonderful to see your effort continue!

    I did face a few errors running this code. Replacing all "(side" with "(-side" and also "padx" with "-padx", etc. fixed my problems. These are likely a version issue between flavors of tk.

    The running code is simple to use, stable, and intuitive. Well done and ++!

    The first dog barks... all other dogs bark at the first dog.
      Thanks, I guess ActivePerl will still run even with those typos. I have fixed them in the code. Thanks again.

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