#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Net::SNMP; use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; #open xml file my $xmlfile = "e:/topo.xml"; my $ref = eval { XMLin($xmlfile) }; #erase or creat the ipfile open ERASER, ">ipfile.txt"; close ERASE; #see if open worked if ($@) { print "XML Read ERROR"; } else { #go to IPAddress tag and read infos into file foreach my $item (@{$ref->{Layer2Details}->{Device}}){ my @ipliste = $item->{IPAddress}; my @sorted = @ipliste; open OUTIP, ">>ipfile.txt"; print OUTIP @sorted, "\n"; close OUTIP; } } #open ipfile open IPFILE, "ipfile.txt" or die "Can't get IPs - $!\n"; #Sets knots und community my $community = 'public'; my $ifIndex = ''; my $ifDescr = ''; my $ifDescr2 = ''; #erase or create files open ERASER, ">serlist.txt"; close ERASE; open ERASER, ">desclist.txt"; close ERASE; open ERASER, ">finallist.txt"; close ERASE; while ( my $ip = ) { chomp $ip; print "Got: $ip\n"; #open session my ( $session, $error ) = Net::SNMP->session( -hostname => $ip, -community => $community, -port => 161 ); my $response; #goto index table and hash index if ( defined( $response = $session->get_table($ifIndex) ) ) { #get serialnumbers foreach my $index ( values %{$response} ) { my $this_desc = "$ifDescr.$index"; my $description; if ( defined( $description = $session->get_request($this_desc) ) ) { #print serialno. to file my @serial = values %{$description}; open OUTPUT1, ">>serlist.txt"; print OUTPUT1 @serial, "\n"; close OUTPUT1; } } #get description foreach my $index ( values %{$response} ) { my $this_desc = "$ifDescr2.$index"; my $description2; if ( defined( $description2 = $session->get_request($this_desc) ) ) { #print describtion to file my @desc = values %{$description2}; open OUTPUT2, ">>desclist.txt"; print OUTPUT2 @desc, "\n"; close OUTPUT2; } } #creat final file open(OUT, "serlist.txt"); open(OUT2, "desclist.txt"); my @outlist; while () { my %hash; my @temp = split(/;/,$_); $hash{'file1'} = $temp[0]; $hash{'file2'} = ; #delete Return foreach (values %hash) { $_ =~ s/\n//g; } push(@outlist,\%hash); } close(OUT); #print to file open FINOUT, ">>finallist.txt"; print FINOUT "$ip\n"; foreach my $hashref (@outlist) { print FINOUT "$hashref->{'file1'};$hashref->{'file2'}\n"; } print FINOUT "\n"; close FINOUT; } #close session $session->close(); }