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NodeReaper out of control

by Wassercrats (Initiate)
on Sep 18, 2004 at 18:58 UTC ( [id://392020]=monkdiscuss: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

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Re: NodeReaper out of control
by thor (Priest) on Sep 18, 2004 at 20:28 UTC
    Votes have little or nothing to do with how you yourself vote, but what the content of the posts that you post is. From what I've seen, it looks like you're intentionally trying to stir peoples' feathers. As such, you've been downvoted accordingly. If you don't like it and can't say anything "nice", lurk.


    Feel the white light, the light within
    Be your own disciple, fan the sparks of will
    For all of us waiting, your kingdom will come

      W is also upvoted accordingly since it seems to be a goal of his to garner downvotes.
      A reply falls below the community's threshold of quality. You may see it by logging in.
Re: NodeReaper out of control
by hardburn (Abbot) on Sep 19, 2004 at 00:38 UTC

    <Wassercrats> Oh, I'm sorry, I thought we were talking about my penis

    Sorry, you lost any credibility you might have had when you wrote that one.

    "There is no shame in being self-taught, only in not trying to learn in the first place." -- Atrus, Myst: The Book of D'ni.

Re: NodeReaper out of control
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 18, 2004 at 19:32 UTC
    Maybe it's because you're a freakin' idiot, and everyone recognizes that.

    Considered: Aristotle delete, flame
    Unconsidered: ysth enough keep votes - Keep/Edit/Delete: 9/2/42

      (original message 'self-reaped', in the interests of peace and quiet...)


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Node Type: monkdiscuss [id://392020]
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