Rapturous, demented gibbering and giggling fills the air...
Success! Okay, let's doc this puppy.
First, I took the trouble to go to
Start / Settings / Printers_and_Faxes / Deskjet500 on US
/ Printer / Properties / Sharing
And clicked on "Share this Printer" and gave my printer a share name.
Then, at a command prompt (mmm... command prompt, good!), the following did ensue:
>net view \\GatewayM275
Shared resources at \\GatewayM275
Dv's Gateway M275
Share name Type Used as Comment
DJUSB002 Print DeskJet 500 on USB
Printer Print Journal Note Writer
SharedDocs Disk
The command completed successfully.
>net use LPT1: \\GatewayM275\DJUSB002
The command completed successfully.
>net view \\GatewayM275
Shared resources at \\GatewayM275
Dv's Gateway M275
Share name Type Used as Comment
DJUSB002 Print LPT1 DeskJet 500 on USB
Printer Print Journal Note Writer
SharedDocs Disk
The command completed successfully.
>echo Hello > LPT1:
And the most beautiful sound did issue forth from my printer. Likewise for:
>print test.txt
Thanks to all who have contributed to this thread. My wife just called me to come home for dinner. I've blown much of the afternoon on this, but I'm outta here!
"Perl is a mess
and that's good because the
problem space is also a mess." - Larry Wall