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Re: Raw Data to Printer on Win XP

by schweini (Friar)
on Oct 02, 2004 at 17:42 UTC ( [id://395909]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Raw Data to Printer on Win XP

since this seems to be a rather frequent problem, does anyone know whether there is some kind of "normal" solution for this in the works?
I use open(PRN, ">COM1"), but is there no way of doing something like
my $prn = Printer->new("Epson Stylus"); $prn->print_raw("foobar");
or somethig along those lines? all this muddling around with network shares, port-redirection, etc. is nice and all, but somehow "suboptimal", IMHO.
maybe there's a little program one can pipe text to, and that simply sends it to the printer raw-ly? anything?

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