Added still later: I found the problem (xlsx2csv, line 48). The 's' is specified both for + infile (s='sheet'?) and separator. This line: "s|sep=s" => \ my $opt_s, should be made to be: "sep=s" => \ my $opt_s, because the s is already in use, higher up, for the infile name "i|s|in=s" => \ my $xls, (perhaps the 's' could be removed there instead) (I have not looked at the other programs, they might suffer the same a +mbiguity) Added later: Interesting: $ xlsx2csv --version Duplicate specification "s|sep=s" for option "s" xlsx2csv [3.9] ----- /home/aardvark/perl-5.39/bin/perl This is perl 5, version 39, subversion 6 (v5.39.6 (v5.39.5-49-gcf76a26 +6bc)) built for x86_64-linux-thread-multi mymod = Text::CSV_XS::VERSION module = Text::CSV_XS perl = 5.39.6 Text::CSV_XS::VERSION = 1.53 ----- BUG (I think): A stray error message "Duplicate specification "s|sep=s" for option "s +"" Afterward everything seems fine. Still, maybe it can be fixed. # repeat : I have no Windows or Excel so with LibreOffice (6.2) I made a simple 3 +-line .xlsx file with 2 data lines, 1 header line (saved in ~/tmp/tes +t.xlsx). Then: $ inf=~/tmp/test.xlsx ; outf=~/tmp/test.csv ; xlsx2csv -U -s \\t -o "$ +{outf}" -i "${inf}" Duplicate specification "s|sep=s" for option "s" <-- culprit Converting /home/aardvark/tmp/test.xlsx to /home/aardvark/tmp/test.csv + ... 3 x 3 # yet, all seems fine: $ less ~/tmp/test.csv head1 head2 head3 A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2
Can you color Ratty? ___ / \\ ______ \ // / \/ o \ ________/ \ \_ \__\ \-----o \____|\__|

my $h = {}; $h->{ "key1" } = 10; $h->{ "key2" } = 20; $h->{ "key3" } = 30; use constant { KEY => "key2", }; my $x = KEY; print $x , " (x)\n"; print KEY, " (KEY)\n"; print $h->{ $x }, " (x)\n"; # ok print $h->{ KEY }, " (KEY)\n"; # error: Use of uninitialized value

I'm trying to capture data from user-input. The below regex captures only the 1st and last parts of the details, i.e., the schema1 data and the schema 3 data. How can I capture also the middle part, the schema2 data. (Eventually it should be able to capture a dozen or so of these lines so that I can create a SQL statement out of that)

#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; my $ls = ''; my $str2 = "(schema1.table1(ratio:1.2-1.5)) union(column) (schema2.table2(ratio:1.3-1.6)) union(column) (schema3.table3(ratio:1.4-1.8)) "; my $re = ' ^ [\s\n]* # group 1 ( [(] ([\w]+) # schema name [.] ([\w]+) # table name (?: [(] ( ratio | unique ) # condition [:=] ([\d.]+) (?:-([\d.]+) )? [)] ) [)] [\n] ) (?: (?: ( union | intersect | except | minus ) ) [(] ([\w]+) [)] [\n] ( [(] ([\w]+) # schema name [.] ([\w]+) # table name (?: [(] ( ratio | unique ) # condition [:=] ([\d.]+) (?:-([\d.]+) )? [)] ) [)] [\n] ) # \g{1} )+ # [\n*]* $ '; for my $s ($str2) { if ($s =~ m/${re}/xsm) { for (my$i=0;$i<scalar(@-);$i++) { $ls .= "-- $i: [" . $+[$i] ."] [" . substr($s, $-[$i], $+[$ +i] - $-[$i] ) . "]\n"; } print $ls, "\n"; } else { print "-- no match\n"; } print "\n"; print ">>>", $s, "<<<\n"; } # captured output: -- 0: [124] [(schema1.table1(ratio:1.2-1.5)) union(column) (schema2.table2(ratio:1.3-1.6)) union(column) (schema3.table3(ratio:1.4-1.8)) ] -- 1: [32] [(schema1.table1(ratio:1.2-1.5)) ] -- 2: [8] [schema1] -- 3: [15] [table1] -- 4: [21] [ratio] -- 5: [25] [1.2] -- 6: [29] [1.5] -- 7: [83] [union] -- 8: [90] [column] -- 9: [124] [(schema3.table3(ratio:1.4-1.8)) ] -- 10: [100] [schema3] -- 11: [107] [table3] -- 12: [113] [ratio] -- 13: [117] [1.4] -- 14: [121] [1.8] # note: schema2 and its detail is missing

# t/02_free_unref_scalar.t complains # eerlijk gezegd was dat daarnet, voor je nieuwe fix, ook al. # Zoals je ziet gaat t/20_createdrop.t nu ok. Bedankt! # ik begrijp niet precies wat 02_free_unref_scalar.t doet of test. # als ik de $SIG{__WARN__} sub outcomment verloopt het zonder probleme +n # maar dat zal het test-doel wel voorbijschieten... $ perl Makefile.PL && make && make test Enable the use of /tmp for tests? [y] y Checking if your kit is complete... Looks good Generating a Unix-style Makefile Writing Makefile for DBD::CSV Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json cp lib/DBD/CSV/ blib/lib/DBD/CSV/ cp lib/DBD/ blib/lib/DBD/ cp lib/Bundle/DBD/ blib/lib/Bundle/DBD/ cp lib/DBD/CSV/ blib/lib/DBD/CSV/ Manifying 2 pod documents PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 "/opt/perl-5.26/bin/perl" "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" +"-MTest::Harness" "-e" "undef *Test::Harness::Switches; test_harness( +0, 'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/02_free_unref_scalar.t .. 194/405 # Failed test 'there was an attempt to free unreferenced scalar' # at /opt/perl-5.26/lib/5.26.0/Test/ line 135. # Attempt to free unreferenced scalar: SV 0x1921a18 during global dest +ruction. t/02_free_unref_scalar.t .. All 405 subtests passed t/10_base.t ............... 2/? # Showing relevant versions (DBI_SQL_N +ANO = not set) # Using DBI version 1.636 # Using DBD::File version 0.44 # Using SQL::Statement version 1.412 # Using Text::CSV_XS version 1.29 # DBD::CSV 0.50 using Text::CSV_XS (1.29) # DBD::File 0.44 using IO::File (1.16) # DBI::DBD::SqlEngine 0.06 using SQL::Statement 1.412 # DBI 1.636 # OS linux (2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64) # Perl 5.026000 (x86_64-linux) t/10_base.t ............... ok t/11_dsnlist.t ............ ok t/20_createdrop.t ......... ok t/30_insertfetch.t ........ ok t/31_delete.t ............. ok t/32_update.t ............. ok t/40_numrows.t ............ ok t/41_nulls.t .............. ok t/42_bindparam.t .......... ok t/43_blobs.t .............. ok t/44_listfields.t ......... ok t/48_utf8.t ............... ok t/50_chopblanks.t ......... ok t/51_commit.t ............. ok t/55_dir_search.t ......... ok t/60_misc.t ............... ok t/61_meta.t ............... ok t/70_csv.t ................ ok t/71_csv-ext.t ............ ok t/72_csv-schema.t ......... ok t/73_csv-case.t ........... ok t/80_rt.t ................. ok t/85_error.t .............. ok Test Summary Report ------------------- t/02_free_unref_scalar.t (Wstat: 0 Tests: 406 Failed: 1) Failed test: 406 Parse errors: Bad plan. You planned 405 tests but ran 406. Files=24, Tests=1169, 9 wallclock secs ( 0.30 usr 0.08 sys + 7.02 c +usr 0.84 csys = 8.24 CPU) Result: FAIL Failed 1/24 test programs. 1/1169 subtests failed. make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255
Can you color Ratty? ___ / \\ ______ \ // / \/ o \ ________/ \ \_ \__\ \-----o \____|\__|
use strict; use warnings; my $regex_orig = qr{(?:^.* Electronic \s* Signature\(s\)\n)? (?:.* Signed \s* By:.* \n? (?:Date: \s* \S .*\n |Date:\n (?:\s* \S .*\n)+ )+ )+ (.*) (?:Entered \s* By:.*)?}xmi; my $regex_fixed = qr{(?:^.* Electronic \s* Signature\(s\)\n)? (?:.* Signed \s* By:.* \n? (?:Date: \s* \S .*\n |Date:\n )+ )+ (?:\s* \S .*\n)+ (?:Entered \s* By:.*)?}xmi; my $input_data = "Electronic Signature(s) Signed By: Date: Myself, Me 08/01/2014 12:18:41 PM Myself, Me 08/01/2014 12:18:42 PM Them Entered By: Myself, Me on 08/01/2014 8:44:43 AM"; my $input_data2 = "Electronic Signature(s) Signed By: Myself, Me Date: 08/01/2014 12:18:41 PM Signed By: Myself, Me Date: 08/01/2014 12:18:42 PM 7/31/2014 3:51:51 PM Version Signed By: Date: Myself, Me 7/31/2014 4:07:12 PM Myself, Me 7/31/2014 4:07:12 PM 7/31/2014 2:40:50 PM Version Signed By: Date: Myself, Me 7/31/2014 2:41:24 PM Entered By: Myself, Me on 08/01/2014 8:04:05 AM"; my $found; print "-- orig:\n"; if ($input_data2 =~ $regex_orig) { $found = substr($input_data2, $-[0], $+[0]-$-[0]); } print $found . "\n\n\n"; print "-- fixed:\n"; if ($input_data2 =~ $regex_fixed) { $found = substr($input_data2, $-[0], $+[0]-$-[0]); } print $found . "\n";


-- orig: Electronic Signature(s) Signed By: Myself, Me Date: 08/01/2014 12:18:41 PM Signed By: Myself, Me Date: 08/01/2014 12:18:42 PM 7/31/2014 3:51:51 PM Version Signed By: Date: Myself, Me 7/31/2014 4:07:12 PM Myself, Me 7/31/2014 4:07:12 PM -- fixed: Electronic Signature(s) Signed By: Myself, Me Date: 08/01/2014 12:18:41 PM Signed By: Myself, Me Date: 08/01/2014 12:18:42 PM 7/31/2014 3:51:51 PM Version Signed By: Date: Myself, Me 7/31/2014 4:07:12 PM Myself, Me 7/31/2014 4:07:12 PM 7/31/2014 2:40:50 PM Version Signed By: Date: Myself, Me 7/31/2014 2:41:24 PM Entered By: Myself, Me on 08/01/2014 8:04:05 AM

Trying to load

# Problem was: I want no '&auml' in the database (which is a utf8 data +base). # Solution was HTML::Entities qw/decode_entities/; #!/bin/sh time zcat ~/dl/ \ | perl -MEncode -MHTML::Entities -ne ' if( m/^<title>([^\n]*)<.title>/ ) { my $title = $1; $title =~ s{\\}{}g; next if ($title eq "Home Page" || $title eq "Editorial." || $title eq "Preface." || $title eq "Introduction." || $title eq "Foreword." || $title eq "Guest Editorial." || $title eq "Book Reviews." ); print encode("UTF8", (decode_entities($title) . "\n" ), Encode +::FB_CROAK); }' \ | psql -c " drop table if exists dblp; create table dblp (title text); copy dblp from stdin; " ; echo "select count(*) from dblp " | psql ; echo "select * from dblp where position ('&' in title) > 0 limit 40" + | psql ;
---------------------------------------------------- -- data of the OP: select * from (values(1,'A'),(2,'A'),(3,'A'),(3,'B'),(4,'B')) as f(id, + type); select * from ( select id , sum(case type when 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as a_count , sum(case type when 'B' then 1 else 0 end) as b_count from (values(1,'A'),(2,'A'),(3,'A'),(3,'B'),(4,'B')) as f1(id, ty +pe) -- your_table group by 1 ) as f2 where a_count > 0 and b_count > 0; ----------------------------------------------------
-- -- Windows dev Install: -- Installing postgres on windows as a unpriviledged user (avoiding the n +ecessity of administrator rights): -- dependency: Visual C Runtime dynamic library (msvcredist_x64) (so if necessary install this first) -- download zip file; "Binaries from installer Version 11.5" -- unzip the pgsql directory somewhere, and cd into it: cd pgsql -- run initdb: bin\initdb -D 11\data -- to start postgres: "bin\pg_ctl" -D "11/data" -l logfile start -- to stop: close all connections, and then run: "bin\pg_ctl" -D "11/data" -l logfile stop default port will be: 5432 (Install DBI + DBD::Pg to connect via perl ) I ran this on a rather old win2k, but it will probably also work on ne +wer windows. (tweak the slashes a bit and it will work on linux too (with the prope +r file download, of course)) perl -MDBI -Mstrict -e 'my$dbh=DBI->connect("dbi:Pg:port=5432;db=postg +res;", undef, undef,{RaiseError=>1}); print $dbh, "\n"'; output: DBI::db=HASH(0x1b5a808) -> apparently the connection succeeded

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