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Re: Adopting Modules

by rrwo (Friar)
on Nov 20, 2004 at 13:09 UTC ( [id://409254]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Adopting Modules
in thread Seekers of Perl Wisdom

I would think at the very least I should update it and push up a new version with my contact information in place. Obviously credit needs to be maintained with respect to the original author. What should be changed? What should be left alone?

I recently took over Log::Dispatch::Win32EventLog. I added my name and contact info on the top of the AUTHORS list, but also updated the installation style to work with Module::Build, included a META.yml etc.

Of course, I took it over to fix some warnings related to newer versions of Perl and update the test suite. (Which led to finding more subtle bugs....)

I did update the documentation with some things that I thought needed explicit mention, and rather shamelessly added reference to another module I wrote with overlapping functionality to the SEE ALSO section.

What I meant to do but have just realized that I did not do, was to put a link to for reporting bugs, rather than to have people send E-mail to me. That's the best way since there's a list of outstanding bug reports and feature requests.

I did not remove references to the other authors, since they put a bit of work into the original. Nor did I update the wording on the license.

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