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CGI Change Password (LDAP)

by sifen (Beadle)
on Dec 10, 2004 at 17:50 UTC ( [id://413921]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

sifen has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:


I'm using to write a short dynamic HTML page for users to change their password. Scripts for this have been mentioned elsewhere on the monks, but I am using LDAP for a password backed, and I have not been able to find anything on that.

Anyways, I hacked up a bit of code to accomplish this, and I've looked it over, but I would appreciate any feedback as I'd rather not have to find security holes the hard way.

Sorry about the length of the code, I know that it goes somewhat against what Ovid says in Before You Post. . .

Code Below:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T use warnings; use strict; use CGI qw/:standard/; use CGI::Carp; # Debian Packages # libnet-ldap-perl # libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl # libmail-sendmail-perl use Net::LDAP; use Crypt::PasswdMD5; use Mail::Sendmail; my $LDAP_SERVER = 'csl-ldap-01.inside'; my $MAX_USER_LEN = '16'; my $MAX_PASS_LEN = '40'; my $MIN_PASS_LEN = '6'; my $g_err_msg = ''; { # MAIN print header(); my ($top_html, $main_html) = get_page(); print "$top_html"; # Application Logic # if param's are passed to the script... if (param) { if (validate_cgi_params( param('user') || '', param('magic_word') || '', param('new_pwd_1') || '', param('new_pwd_2') || '' )) { change_password(param('user') || '', param('magic_word') || '', param('new_pwd_1') || ''); } } print "$g_err_msg" if ($g_err_msg); print "$main_html"; } ###### sub get_page { # Define HTML sections of page my $top_html = << "HERE"; <html> <head> <title>Community Software Lab Password Changer</title> </head> <body> <h1>Change your password (0.3)</h1> HERE my $main_html = << "HERE"; <hr /> <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/" enctype="application/x +-www-form-urlencoded"> Username: <input type="text" name="user" /><p /> Password: <input type="password" name="magic_word" /><p /><p /> New Password: <input type="password" name="new_pwd_1" /><p /> Repeat New Password: <input type="password" name="new_pwd_2" /><p + /> <input type="submit" name="Change Password" value="Change Password +" /> </form> </body> </html> HERE return ($top_html, $main_html); } sub validate_cgi_params { my ( $user, $passwd, $pwd1, $pwd2 ) = @_; unless ( $pwd1 eq $pwd2 ) { print 'Error, New passwords do not match'; return undef; } unless ( length($user) < $MAX_USER_LEN && length($passwd) < $MAX_PASS_LEN && length($pwd1) < $MAX_PASS_LEN ) { print 'Error, Input too long'; return undef; } unless ( length($pwd1) > $MIN_PASS_LEN ) { print "Error, New password must be more than $MIN_PASS_LEN cha +racters long"; return undef; } return 1; } sub change_password { my ( $user, $pwd, $new_pwd,) = @_; my $ldapbinddn = "uid=$user,ou=People,dc=local"; my $connection; unless ($connection = Net::LDAP->new("$LDAP_SERVER")) { $g_err_msg = 'Error, Cannot connect to server'; return undef; } my $msg; unless ($msg = $connection->bind( dn => $ldapbinddn, password => $pwd )){ $g_err_msg = 'We are experiencing technical difficulties, pleas +e try back later'; return undef; } unless ($msg) { my $err = $msg->error; email_and_log_error("Bind error: $err"); } my $md5pwd = unix_md5_crypt($new_pwd); my $result = $connection->modify( "uid=$user,ou=People,dc=local", changes => [ replace => [ userPassword => "{crypt}$md5pwd" ] ] + ); if ( $result->code ) { my $err = $result->error; email_and_log_error ("Password change error: $err"); $g_err_msg = 'Error, You have either entered a bad username or + password, your password has not been changed'; return undef; } else { return 1; } } sub email_and_log_error { my $error_str = shift; warn $error_str; my %mail = ( To => '', From => "$0 <>", Subject => "Error Message", Message => $error_str ); sendmail(%mail) or warn $Mail::Sendmail::error; }

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Re: CGI Change Password (LDAP)
by tachyon (Chancellor) on Dec 11, 2004 at 01:23 UTC

    Unless you run this over https it is insecure as the password goes over the wire in plaintext. You have a CGI object. It contains all the params. Why not just pass that to your validate and change functions? Typically I use the return null string if function succeeds or error string if it fails. This lets you avoid globals like your g_err_msg. Then the app logic goes:

    if ( $q->param ) { my $err_msg = validate( $q ); if ( $err_msg ) { show_form($err_msg); } else { my $msg = change_pass( $q ); show_form( $msg ); # msg may be error or success message } } else { show_form(); } exit 0;

    I can't see how it might be exploited but is is usually wise to limit CGI user input to a selected range of characters. The null byte hack is one issue this attends to.



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