I am very frustrated in that your patch looks simpler than
my attempt, and yet I'm not sure I understand, probably
because the
AvMAX() and
AvFILLp() don't
seem to be documented well enough for me to figure out what
they're doing.
if (num) {
i = AvFILLp(av);
/* Create extra elements */
/**/ slide = i > 0 ? i : 0;
/**/ num += slide;
av_extend(av, i + num);
AvFILLp(av) += num;
ary = AvARRAY(av);
Move(ary, ary + num, i + 1, SV*);
do {
ary[--num] = &PL_sv_undef;
} while (num);
/* Make extra elements into a buffer */
/**/ AvMAX(av) -= slide;
/**/ AvFILLp(av) -= slide;
SvPVX(av) = (char*)(AvARRAY(av) + slide);
Why do you add
num to
AvFILLp() (which is
the original
num with
slide added to it)
only to then SUBTRACT
slide? And what
And I would personally suggest using the heuristic for slide
that I had in my code -- namely:
slide = (i < num && i > 0) ? i : num;
Anyway. Sigh. I'm not annoyed at you, but at my inability
to patch something that shouldn't have been such a well of
japhy --
Perl and Regex Hacker