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Atlas and the Earth

by K_M_McMahon (Hermit)
on Feb 12, 2005 at 07:22 UTC ( [id://430375]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

UPDATE:: Forgot to mention, if you don't have Tk installed, it will just return a blank line and not do anything.

It's supposed to be Atlas holding up the earth with a few giant birds flying around. I'm not saying it really looks like that, just that it's supposed to look like that.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; my $x=' 00 +1 00 0 +1 10 +01 00 + 00 10 + 01 + 0 1111 0111 010 101 11 00 11 01 11 00 1000 101 11101 10001001 1010010110111 000111011100001 0101100101011100 100110110000100000 001011010111011100001010 01110101011100110110010100100 000011100110111010001110010011010 0101100011011101000011101101110101011 100110110010100100000010101000110101100 11101101101101011110010010000000100100011 + 10111001111010110111001100101011101110010 +0 000010011010110000101101001011011100101011 +10 1101001011011100110010001101111011101110011 +101 10110110101111001001000000010010001110001011 +1010 101101001011101000011110100100100011101110010 +11010 0111110010000100111010101110100011101000110111 +101101 1100010100000101101011101000110010101111000011 +101000 01111010011111000100000001001110100101001110101 +0111001 10111010000100000010000010110111001101111011101 +0001101 00001100101011100100010000001010000011001010111 +0010011 01100001000000100100001100001011000110110101101 +1001010 11100100010011100101100000010100000100100101101 +0110001 10110111101101101011011010110000101101110011001 +0000100 00000111101001111100010000001110011011101010110 +0010011 11011011001010111100001101001011101000111110100 +1010010 01011010011111001110000011000010110001101101011 +0010100 0001010010011101100001010001001100100110101100 +001011 0100101101110010011000110111101101111011100000 +011101 100001010000010100000101000001010000010100000 +10100 000101000001010000010100000101000001010000010 +10000 01010000010100000101000001010000010100000101 +0000 01010000010100000101000001010000010100000101 +0000 0101000001010000010100000101000001010000010 +100 00010100000101000001010000010100000101000 +0 0101000001010000010100000101000001010'; my $n=' 5ZZQbDRmbqSEy$X;S7&$EYxMq=jZ~WVAF&5R sH /\PMCLVs7+6/5/&gI;TwSYJhUiOlKYE6O e(F U$GGUSx=~49Om/(CQo&MV^.{8O5GU }qD )jjVA69/sWHAT THE HECK?){M C$ X=L TjjTZJ$XP.cQDhEr(uRnJ pa Sc ZQ5o&HWk("NUG",F5O Epb aD MQWHK7PLcYSk("RVF 7&B 6O RR*",sGUFRjT FpT AHrL MinCLAPAPK LLt f("C%7jT03MQY2LMd",Q MD $WMDHERE1)\'?) VUG ?L)C?MP) ;$ 9OZx UG =q~? PR LE AS EH EL Ps /^.{PLACLAF 84 O}/ /so R&; }e7 ROC KqU ITv aTH l(M $ER X)K Y&M D; '; $n=~s/\s+|S|7|K|Y|E|J|q|b|D|Q|M|C|L|P|'|T|j|Z|W|H|I|G|U|F|V|A|6|O|9|4| +R|o|5|&|\?//g; eval($n);

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Atlas and the Earth
by CountZero (Bishop) on Feb 12, 2005 at 20:20 UTC
    Well done! ++


    "If you have four groups working on a compiler, you'll get a 4-pass compiler." - Conway's Law

Re: Atlas and the Earth
by jdalbec (Deacon) on Feb 14, 2005 at 02:23 UTC
    $n is a simple binary unpacker. It unpacks $x to a Perl Tk JAPH program. I guess the #! line is ignored?
    ## most of original code omitted for space ## commented out eval #eval($n); ## print instead #print "$n\n"; ## the string itself #my$X;$x=~s/\s+//g;while($x=~m/(^.{8})/s){$X=$X.chr(unpack("N",pack("B +*",sprintf("%032d",$1))));$x=~s/^.{8}//s;}eval($X); ## after perltidy my $X; $x =~ s/\s+//g; while ( $x =~ m/(^.{8})/s ) { $X = $X . chr( unpack( "N", pack( "B*", sprintf( "%032d", $1 ) ) ) + ); $x =~ s/^.{8}//s; } ## commented out eval #eval($X); ## print instead #print "$X\n"; ## the string itself, minus a bunch of trailing newlines #!/usr/bin;?erl -w #use strict;use Tk;my $w=new MainWindow;my $quit=$w->Button(-text=> 'J +ust Another Perl Hacker', # -command => sub{exit})->pack(); #&MainLoop; ## after perltidy #!/usr/bin;?erl -w use strict; use Tk; my $w = new MainWindow; my $quit = $w->Button( -text => 'Just Another Perl Hacker', -command => sub { exit } )->pack(); &MainLoop;
      jdalbec: I guess the #! line is ignored?
      I think I switched/deleted a 0 or a 1 when I was trying to create the ASCII art portion. I have yet to figure out which one I moved, and since it still works, I'm not too worried.

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