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Re^5: Four part JAPH

by ghenry (Vicar)
on Apr 18, 2005 at 13:46 UTC ( [id://448858]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: Four part JAPH
in thread Four part JAPH

Modified code is now:

END{s{}{"@{[map{$%=$_;$_=&{$_{$_}};$%%2&&s%.%\u$&%;$_}($|..${$/=\ ($^A+$|+$?)})]},"}e;print}($,,$,,+$*,$,,$,)=($|..$=/(+++$^A+$^A)* +++$^A*++$^A);@_{++$|..2**(++$-+$-)}=(sub{(join$',map{+chr($|+$,+ ord($_))}reverse((split$`,&{$_{$=/($,*$,+$,)}})[$...$|]))."${\'s' }".substr(&{$_{2}},$^A,$|)},sub{"anoth".substr(&{$_{$^A}},+$-,$-+ $|)},sub{ print"<$=|$*|$,|$||$;>\n"; $a="\104\101\124\101";!seek$a,$=/($*+$,)+$|,$;or~~<$a>}, sub{local$";"@{[(split//,(chr($^A-$|+ord(substr(&{$_{$^A-$|}},+$? ..++$?)))).&{$_{$,/($^A-$|)}}.chr(2*$=-$^A*$,-$|))[$,+$|,$|,$--$| ,+-+$|,-$|x$?,+$=/(0+$,*+$*+-+-$*),$,+-+-~~$*+-+-$|]]}"});__END__

Which gives:

J:\>perl japh <60|2|4|1|&#8735;> <60|2|4|1|&#8735;> <60|2|4|1|&#8735;> <60|2|4|1|&#8735;> <60|2|4|1|&#8735;> <60|2|4|1|&#8735;> R`st anothma [map hackma,

Walking the road to enlightenment... I found a penguin and a camel on the way.....
Fancy a Just ask!!!

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Re^6: Four part JAPH
by ghenry (Vicar) on Apr 18, 2005 at 14:17 UTC

    Adding $;=""; before END as per cog's request, makes things worse:

    J:\>perl japh <60|2|4|1|> <60|2|4|1|> <60|2|4|1|> <60|2|4|1|> <60|2|4|1|> <60|2|4|1|> éÇst anoth}{ {}{" hack}{,

    And perl -e 'print "<$;>"'

    Gives nothing. Maybe a newline?

    Maybe someone else can help?

    Walking the road to enlightenment... I found a penguin and a camel on the way.....
    Fancy a Just ask!!!
      $; default value is "\034". Set it to that value.

      Update: Ok, it seems it is not related with the contents of this variable.

      Alberto Simões

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