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by S_Shrum (Pilgrim)
on Dec 15, 2000 at 03:31 UTC ( [id://46752]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I fly remote control model foam planes (delta wing configuration) in combat contests and occasionally build a balsa plane or two (not for combat) like the one in the pix above (...that I then broke when I over-extended in a dive from ~300ft. and pulled back on 8-(.

Occasionally I consult doing computer odd-jobs (designing networks, installing, troubleshooting, database design, report templates, etc.). In my downtime, I code, mix & listen to music (BT, Chicane, Enigma, Robert Miles, Dead Can Dance, Oingo Boingo, Sting, Phil Collins, etc.), make digital mini-movies, drink Mr. Pibb (DOWN WITH PIBB XTRA! LONG LIVE THE ORIGINAL PIBB!), and sit back and watch my daughter grow up.

Poo-ter, Daddy. Me want mouse. Me like it. Me LOVE it! (sounds of OS crash shortly follow) - Diana Shrum, age 2.

Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! - Diana Shrum, age 2.5

I enter the room with a bag of cookies. Diana (age 2.5), with the nose
of a bloodhound, gets up from watching Teletubbies and begins to speak:

Diana: Give some me!
Daddy: What's the 'magic word'?
Diana: Magic word.
Daddy: Nooooo. When I ask you, "What's the 'magic word'?", you say "Please". Got it?
Diana: Yeah...
Daddy: I say 'magic word', you say 'Please'.
Diana: K.
Daddy: What's the 'magic word'?
Diana: Magic word!

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