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Re^2: Publish or Polish

by K_M_McMahon (Hermit)
on Jun 24, 2005 at 04:47 UTC ( [id://469597]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Publish or Polish
in thread Publish or Polish

I am not someone who is generally offended by bad language, I am someone who uses my fair share of bad language. However, PerlMonks is not one of the places that I expect to see it posted. I must say that I am dissapointed in the language used by DrHyde in Re: Publish or Polish. I have always thought of PerlMonks as a community where I could feel safe sharing anything here with my children (which I plan to have someday) or even my mother without fear of offending them. Or, possibly more importantly, that I wouldn't have to be concerned that the company censors may someday feel compelled to block PerlMonks because of "objectionable" content. Using f*** would have been just as effective and yet less offensive.

Since I am sure that many disagree with me, I am expecting to get downvoted anyway, but I must be honest with what I feel.

my $a='62696c6c77667269656e6440676d61696c2e636f6d'; while ($a=~m/(^.{2})/s) {print unpack('A',pack('H*',"$1"));$a=~s/^.{2}//s;}

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