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Utility to capture parameters and perform a task

by GrandFather (Saint)
on Jul 29, 2005 at 02:24 UTC ( [id://479213]=CUFP: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This code is a part way point in the development of a tool to perform some directory and file management. At this stage it captures information required for the management from the user. The information gathered to controlled by a configuration file. This seems a generally usefull task so the code is offered here for other monks to make what use they wish of it.

The configuration files is comprised of lines containing a parameter name, and optional default value, and a label. For example:

_version_ "1_0" Version as it should appear in the project path (e.g. 1_0)

If the default string contains names of other parameters, the default value for the parameter will be generated at run time as the other parameters are updated.

The work of the task goes in sub CreateProject (which is an appropriate name for my initial task :).

use warnings; use strict; use Tk; =head Parse a configuration text file (TemplateValues.txt) to gather configu +ration parameters, defaults and labels required to perform some task then pre +sent a user interface built from the information in the configuration file to + capture user values for the parameters. =cut my $main = MainWindow->new (); if (! open configIn, "< TemplateValues.txt") { my $text = $main->Text (); $text->Insert ("Unable to open configuration file: $!"); $text->pack (); $main->Button (-text => "Quit", -command => sub {$main->destroy ()}) +->pack (); MainLoop (); exit (-1); } my %Parameters; while (<configIn>) { next if /^#/; #Skip comment lines chomp; next if ! length $_; my ($key, $default, $comment) = /^(\w+)\s(?:"(.*?)")?(.*)/; my $label = $main->Label (-text => $comment)->pack (); $Parameters {$key} = [ $main->Entry ( -validate => 'focusout', -validatecommand => sub {touch ($key);} )->pack (), $default ]; } touch (""); $main->Button (-text => "Cancel", -command => sub {$main->destroy ()}) +->pack (); $main->Button ( -text => "Create Project", -command => sub {tidyParams (); CreateProject (); $main->destroy (); +} )->pack (); MainLoop; sub CreateProject { #Note that %Parameters's values are now the user supplied strings print join "\n", map {$_ . " => " . $Parameters{$_}} keys %Parameters; } sub touch { my $key = shift; Entry: for (keys %Parameters) { next if defined $key and $key eq $_; my $repKey = $_; my $default = ${$Parameters {$repKey}}[1]; next if ! defined $default or ! length $default; #Don't edit while ($default =~ /(_[a-zA-Z0-9]+_)/) { next Entry if ! defined $Parameters {$1}; my $subStr = ${$Parameters {$1}}[0]->get (); $default =~ s/$1/$subStr/eg; } ${$Parameters{$repKey}}[0]->delete (0, 'end'); ${$Parameters{$repKey}}[0]->insert (0, $default) if length $default; } ${$Parameters{$key}}[1] = undef if defined $key and length $key; #Prev +ent auto default updates return 1; } sub tidyParams { touch (); for my $key (keys %Parameters) { next if ! length $key; next if ! defined $Parameters{$key}; $Parameters{$key} = ${$Parameters {$key}}[0]->get (); } }
_ExtensionFile_ File name for extension (excluding file extension) _ExtensionNameUI_ "_ExtensionFile_" Extension name as shown in UI _ExtensionPath_ "Extensions/_ExtensionFile_" Path from PCDevelop\Main +to folder containing project _MinVersion_ Minimum version required _ExtensionSlnFile_ "_ExtensionFile_" Name of solution file (excluding +file extension) _ExtensionType_ "Extension" Extension or Module _author_ Email name of primary extension author _version_ "1_0" Version as it should appear in the project path (e.g. +1_0) _ExtensionPath_ => Extensions/Telegraph _author_ => GrandFather@erewhon _ExtensionSlnFile_ => Telegraph _ExtensionType_ => Extension _version_ => 1_0 _ExtensionFile_ => Telegraph _MinVersion_ => 2.7 _ExtensionNameUI_ => Telegraph

Perl is Huffman encoded by design.

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Re: Utility to capture parameters and perform a task
by chanio (Priest) on Jul 31, 2005 at 01:34 UTC
    You'll think that I'm a fool, because I can't still figure out how you did it! It is amazing!

    After understanding it, I foresee several uses for it. I'll, perhaps, try to do a cgi version (if it is possible- you know perl :) )

    Thank you, GrandFather! :)

    { \ ( ' v ' ) / }
    ( \ _ / ) _ _ _ _ ` ( ) ' _ _ _ _
    ( = ( ^ Y ^ ) = ( _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^
    _ _ _ _ \ _ ( m _ _ _ m ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) c h i a n o , a l b e r t o
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