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Re: Surprised by split

by davorg (Chancellor)
on Aug 11, 2005 at 10:06 UTC ( [id://482889]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Surprised by split

The '\' has a special meaning in a double-quoted string. And _also_ a special meaning in a regex. You'll need two of them in order to break through both special meanings.

But the first argument to "split" should be a regex. So don't pass it a string :)

See... now I'm wondering about split qr(\|) and split m/\|/.


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Re^2: Surprised by split
by extremely (Priest) on Aug 11, 2005 at 14:18 UTC
    $ perl -e '$a="m|b|a"; print join(",",split "\\|",$a),$/' m,b,a $ perl -e '$a="m|b|a"; print join(",",split /\|/,$a),$/' m,b,a $ perl -e '$a="m|b|a"; print join(",",split m/\|/,$a),$/' m,b,a $ perl -e '$a="m|b|a"; print join(",",split qr/\|/,$a),$/' m,b,a $ perl -e '$a="m|b|a"; $b=qr/\|/; print join(",",split $b,$a),$/' m,b,a $ perl -e '$a="m|b|a"; sub b{return qr/\|/}; print join(",",split b(), +$a),$/' m,b,a $ perl -e '$a="m|b|a"; print join(",",split "[|]",$a),$/' m,b,a

    Man, I love perl. :) (Updated a couple of times to add new variations)

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