Re: Programmers are weird
by chester (Hermit) on Aug 30, 2005 at 14:10 UTC
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We have regularly scheduled dumps, sometimes several per day.
Numbers like 512 and 8192 look strangely familiar to us; we think kilo equals 1024.
We use the word "code" as if it were something, like water or sand, that can be put in a barrel. We refer to "core" as place name, without an article, like "Newark".
We are horrified by bugs. We openly speak of spending hours "debugging", and don't find it particularly indecorous.
We bounce our daemons, and fork our children.
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Sometimes we even ask parents to kill their children....and they do it.
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Re: Programmers are weird
by samizdat (Vicar) on Aug 30, 2005 at 13:41 UTC
Don't think I can top yours, demerphq, but let's see:
- she-bang actually means something specific, not (w)hole
- interpreters are essential for everyday life
- we work really hard to be really lazy
- the deeper we go, the simpler our code
- cursing isn't enough; we must recurse
- it isn't enough to quote something; when we double-quote it it's going to end up saying something else
- saving context means spending your stack
ummm... what's funny about 42? | [reply] |
42? From The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It's the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything (“what is 6 times 9”, correct in base 13). For other
Random Numbers click the link.
if ( 1 ) { $postman->ring() for (1..2); }
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Re: Programmers are weird
by gargle (Chaplain) on Aug 30, 2005 at 13:07 UTC
Well, a search on the net finds lots of these 'remarks'. Best reference about programmers in general is however The Jargon File. The entries on The Story of Mel, Real Programmer and A portrait are interesting.
And I just love the entries on Perl, especially Swiss!
In short, programmers in general have a weird sense of humor, p.e. *noone* of my non-programmer friends think the number 42 is funny!
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Re: Programmers are weird
by Ovid (Cardinal) on Aug 30, 2005 at 20:00 UTC
Jen: Ovid, what have you been doing lately?
Ovid: Reading "Mastering Regular Expressions."
... short pause followed by much laughter ...
Jen: I thought you knew how to talk!
Greg: Hello, how are you?
Jen: Can you direct me to my hotel?
Greg: How much for twenty minutes?
Of course, I had to kill and eat them afterwards.
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Re: Programmers are weird
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 30, 2005 at 12:56 UTC
Programmers are weird because...
Multiple programmers can sit around talking about Taint checking, and not one person chuckles.
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Which, of course, made me chuckle.
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Re: Programmers are weird
by tbone1 (Monsignor) on Aug 30, 2005 at 12:50 UTC
One of the things I like about programming is that, in comparison, I look normal. And working at NASA? Why, you'd have thought I drove a Buick and had an accounting degree.
tbone1, YAPS (Yet Another Perl Schlub)
And remember, if he succeeds, so what.
- Chick McGee
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Re: Programmers are weird
by Steve_p (Priest) on Aug 30, 2005 at 16:05 UTC
We often operate like the machines we use... Ask a busy programmer a question and it can be minutes before the programmer context switches and replies to the question.
Frequently heard in my house...
wifey: Honey? Can you help me with something?
Steve_p: Yeah...just a minute
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Re: Programmers are weird
by robot_tourist (Hermit) on Aug 31, 2005 at 10:37 UTC
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We get excited over CSS 2.1 compliance in IE7, but can't understand what SOX compliance means.
If by SOX compliance you mean Sarbanes-Oxley compliance then many of us programmers understand it more than the people telling us what we need to do in order to be SOX compliant.
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Re: Programmers are weird
by bassplayer (Monsignor) on Sep 01, 2005 at 14:33 UTC
3. We often start counting at 0 and call 0 the 1st number; except when we start counting at 1 when we like to say that one is stored in the zero'th index
My 5-year-old son counts the number of rinses he does after brushing his teeth, and starts at zero. I've never mentioned counting from zero to any of my kids -- he just did it, and *sniff* it makes me proud.
bassplayer wipes a tear from his eye
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Re: Programmers are weird
by SamCG (Hermit) on Aug 31, 2005 at 17:37 UTC
Personally, when asked a question I tend to answer the question asked -- particularly if I dislike the asker.
obnoxious pm: Is there a way to <anything>?
me: yes
obnoxious pm: No, what I mean is could you <blah, blah>?
me: yes, I could
obnoxious pm: I'm asking you if it's possible to <blah, blah>.
me: ...
pretty soon, all the people I don't like stop talking to me ;) | [reply] |
Re: Programmers are weird
by shiza (Hermit) on Aug 30, 2005 at 20:26 UTC
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Re: Programmers are weird
by g0n (Priest) on Aug 31, 2005 at 14:30 UTC
Programmers don't generally understand the concept "good enough", there's always one more improvement to be made.
g0n, backpropagated monk
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Re: Programmers are weird
by tlm (Prior) on Aug 31, 2005 at 14:14 UTC
Only programmers (though, of course, not all programmers) need to be reminded of Mark Hahn's Reality Check: "Writing code ... is not an exercise in manliness."
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Re: Programmers are weird
by tcf03 (Deacon) on Sep 09, 2005 at 19:46 UTC
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Re: Programmers are weird
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 30, 2005 at 12:41 UTC
Who are you caliing a weirdo, huh, weirdo? | [reply] |
Re: Programmers are weird
by theroninwins (Friar) on Mar 21, 2006 at 07:39 UTC
Ok this one comes late but I just saw the node....
o We love to use and call for daemons
o We often kill all of a kind
o We do a lot for our backups
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