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Re^3: simple CGI::upload_hook() guide or example?

by cees (Curate)
on Oct 12, 2005 at 21:11 UTC ( [id://499686]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: simple CGI::upload_hook() guide or example?
in thread simple CGI::upload_hook() guide or example?

...STDERR refused to be unbuffered

Well, you might be unbuffering your perl code, but Apache could still be buffering the output before it writes it to the error log...

I can't imagine how one is supposed to determine that (how did you?), given that the docs certainly don't say anything about it.

If I can't get something to work according to the docs, then I assume the docs are lying and check the source. Mind you the source of is not for the faint of heart ;). I meant to send in a doc patch to clarify this stuff, but never got around to it. If you can find the time, I am sure Lincoln would appreciate it.

The upload hook seems to be one of those cool things that no one really uses. I guess that is why there is such a lack of info on the subject...

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Re^4: simple CGI::upload_hook() guide or example?
by thoughts (Initiate) on Oct 12, 2005 at 21:47 UTC
    The upload hook seems to be one of those cool things that no one really uses. I guess that is why there is such a lack of info on the subject...
    Yeah, it seems unusually unknown/unused. With all the hype surrounding AJAX and Ruby on Rails, I've come across this implementation a couple times, and it seems like a fancy newfangled thing... but I see it's been possible for quite some time in Perl.

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