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Re: Ampersands and sub speed

by cees (Curate)
on Oct 14, 2005 at 21:19 UTC ( [id://500373]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Ampersands and sub speed

Make sure you know what you are doing when adding & to the front of a function call. It can have unintended consequences if you do not understand the difference. Here is the relevant section from perlsub that briefly explains the difference:

       To call subroutines:

           NAME(LIST);    # & is optional with parentheses.
           NAME LIST;     # Parentheses optional if predeclared/imported.
           &NAME(LIST);   # Circumvent prototypes.
           &NAME;         # Makes current @_ visible to called subroutine.

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Re^2: Ampersands and sub speed
by creamygoodness (Curate) on Oct 14, 2005 at 21:55 UTC
    Yes, you'd have to comment every place you use it -- because this is one of those subtleties you couldn't assume a maintenance programmer would grasp.
    Marvin Humphrey
    Rectangular Research ―
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