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Re^2: What is the easy way to comment out chunk of Perl Code

by cees (Curate)
on Nov 18, 2005 at 20:49 UTC ( [id://509950]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: What is the easy way to comment out chunk of Perl Code
in thread What is the easy way to comment out chunk of Perl Code

I use the BlockComment plugin for vim which I mapped to _c and _C to comment an uncomment respectively.

It works really well with the highlighting mode that vim uses. For example, go to the start of a block (function, loop, if statement) then hit Shift-V % to highlight the entire block and then _c to comment it out. Or hit Shift-V 20j to highlight the next 20 lines below the cursor, then hit _c to comment or _C to uncomment.

Oh, and it works for many different languages, not just perl.

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