
Yes, I know the title is bad code. I wanted something memorable so we can point back to this node again and again.

We've seen it again and again. Everybody and their dog at one time or another seems to have toyed with an alternative to If you think it's too bloated, try CGI::Lite, but don't go rolling your own. This node and (hopefully) the resulting thread, is just something convenient to toss to newbies who aren't aware of the issues involved.

Commons Problems with Alternatives

Here are some common reasons not to use alternatives to Those are some of the biggies. The following is a list of complaints that, while not directly related to the "hand-rolled" problem, tend to crop up in the code of those who insist upon doing it themselves.

Related Problems

If you want instant verification of this stuff, use Super Search and search for CONTENT_LENGTH in the text of articles. Not all are applicable, but there are some real doozies out there. Here's my favorite:
use CGI qw/:standard/; read(STDIN, $formdata, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); @pairs = split(/\&/, $formdata); foreach $pair (@pairs){ ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%0D%0A/\n/g; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $FORM{$name} = $value; }
This person is using but still (incorrectly) hand-parsing the data.

Benefits of

No sense in showing you the stick if I don't bother with the carrot.


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  1. Yeah, I know that I have an online CGI course, also. The course that japhy is preparing seems to be much more of a rigorous analysis than mine. Mine is targeted at a different audience. (read: japhy's Perl is way better than mine so I pander to the masses :-).
  2. Why should that be a security hole? If you only have one file with a given name, you won't be separating them with null bytes, right? Not necessarily. A wily cracker can simply add another parameter with the same name and your script will politely add a null byte for you. Of course, proper taint checking will stop this, but so will using
  3. I don't know who first started the annoying habit of trying to strip out SSI's in the parameter processing routine, but here's the potential benefit: let's say you let users sign up at your site and create a home page. You use CGI to capture their home page data and write it to an HTML file, but you don't want to allow people to run SSIs (a huge security hole, if you're configured wrong). This code will strip out SSIs, HTML comments, and everything between them if you have more than one. See Death to Dot Star! if you're unfamiliar with that issue.