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Re^3: How can you sysread an entire file?

by ChemBoy (Priest)
on Jan 14, 2006 at 07:35 UTC ( [id://523142]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^2: How can you sysread an entire file?
in thread How can you sysread an entire file?

I would recommend it because it's the least memory-intensive approach, and you're potentially using a lot of memory already. (Best would of course be to read the file line-by-line, but since you can't do that, this is the next best thing I could come up with.)

As to the other, you didn't stipulate what you wanted to do with the records when you had them split, and I needed a dummy subroutine to show the outline right (and to note that your data is found in $1). Blame the chatterbox for the odd word choice. :-)

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Re^4: How can you sysread an entire file?
by NeilF (Sexton) on Jan 14, 2006 at 17:22 UTC
    OK :)

    Here's an example...

    my $rec; sysopen(DF,"test.txt", O_RDONLY | O_CREAT); sysread(DF, $rec, -s DF); close DF; # Split up records into array. # Will lose \n on recs - add later. @test=split("\n",$rec); # Do some work on @test Work... Work... Work... # Build up into a single record, putting \n back in my $rec;foreach(@test){$rec.=$_."\n";} sysopen(DF,"test.txt", O_WRONLY | O_CREAT); syswrite DF,$rec; close DF;
    Does that help set the scene a little better? :)

    So basically I want to make this as efficient as possible. I have to use SYSREAD and SYSWRITE to make the IO as optimal as possible. ie: Reading a 1 meg file would take 2000 IO processes if buffered!!!!! SYSREAD will in effect take 1!

      It won't affect your IO count but

      my $rec;foreach(@test){$rec.=$_."\n";}

      Is much better coded as

      my $rec = join "\n", @test;

      roughly 3 times faster on 1000 elements.

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        Thanks! Anything like that is most appreciated!

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