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Re: Using Perl and the GIMP to compare images

by Anonymous Monk
on Feb 06, 2006 at 14:08 UTC ( [id://528242]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Using Perl and the GIMP to compare images

I have done something very similar under windows, but used ImageMagick instead of GIMP. ImageMagick has code built in for the comparison part. Here are some code snippets to give you some ideas:
# use Image::Magick; use Win32::Screenshot; # to capture screenshots directly into image +magick bjects: sub Capture_Screen { @$image = (); $image = CaptureScreen( ); die "FAILED: Capture-Screen\n" unless ( defined $image ); # my ($w, $h) = $image->Get('columns','rows'); print "Captured: $ +w,$h\n"; $image->Set(matte=>'False'); # $image->Write('captured_scr.bmp'); } sub Capture_Area { $image2 = CaptureRect( 10,730,190,11 ); die "FAILED: Capture-Screen\n" unless ( defined $image2 ); } sub Get_Predefined_Images { # reading predefined images from disk into a hash: for my $nm ( qw( )) { $dsk_img{$nm} = Image::Magick->new(magick=>'bmp'); my $bmp_nm = "IMG_" . $nm . '.bmp'; $x = $dsk_img{$nm}->Read($bmp_nm); warn "$x" if "$x"; } } sub Compare_Area { my $wca_img = CaptureRect( $x,$y,35,13 ); die "FAILED: capture-rectangle\n" unless ( defined $wca_img ); # $cmp_img is image to compare against. $xx = $wca_img->Compare( image => $cmp_img ); warn "Status_Img: $xx" if "$xx"; my $result = $wca_img->Get('mean-error'); # $result is 0 or near zero when images match. return(1) if $result == 0; }

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Re^2: Using Perl and the GIMP to compare images
by sailortailorson (Scribe) on Feb 06, 2006 at 22:47 UTC


    This is more or less the kind of thing I was looking for (first, to know that it is do-able, and to avoid looking in the wrong places).
    This part will come a little later in the project, but I will start to gather some resources, starting with your snippets now.

    Thank you Anonymous Monk.

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