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by duelafn (Parson)
on Jan 21, 2001 at 03:16 UTC ( [id://53268]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I am currentply emplyed by CMM Inc coding Galil controllers, Arduinos, Rust on Raspberry Pi, and the occasional Perl utility to bind it all together. In the past, I have been a Self-Employed perl developer, open-source system administrator, and mathematician. My wife and I have founded a Community Math Center. This venture has surprisingly revealed an interest in taxes and accounting.

GPG Public Key Fingerprint:

pub   4096R/E5D0AA3A 2013-11-21
      Key fingerprint = 3A4D 51DF 68FC D20B FC0C  1C5F E4E6 033F E5D0 AA3A
uid                  Dean Serenevy <>

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