HughBris has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
I do not know if this is the right place to put this, or how I go about finding it again if someone does answer it, but here goes:
I have seen a lot of people suggest reading the perldocs to figure out how to do things in Perl. What language is that written in, and is there anyplace that I can get an English translation?
Unfortunately, unlike everyone else on this site, I do not have a degree in "Things That Only I Know" from from the Digital University. I have a degree in Wrench Turning from the School of Hard Knocks. I do not even know why I decided to learn how to program. But I did, and now I can not stop until either I get in a drunken bar fight with someone from this club or I get extridited back to Mexico.
If anyone can help me, and speak in small words, it would be much appreciated. Tony Ah, you are a layman, then let me speak in technical terms.