in reply to one-liner hogs

jptxs: Your suggestion of "one liners" seems suspect to me. Why would these be better than having a perl programmer write several of these into a small program. Your engineers run one program and select the type load they want to test, or demo. If done properly you could combine several of these to run at the same time, while keeping the ability to kill it at will. (That would be a good idea in any event).

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(jptxs) Re: one-liner hogs
by jptxs (Curate) on Feb 02, 2001 at 00:38 UTC
    this would be ideal if these could be put on some sort of media or on and ftp site for the engineers to get to. However, the people who will use this will be sales-engineers who are not always garunteed access to the outside world in the environments they work in and many times find the client unwilling to mount anything but specified disks with the company logo and all.

    basically, the reason i wanted "one-liners" was so they could be commited to memory or even carried around on a palm or index card with ease. This way there is no network or hardware access issues that could hamper them.

    "A man's maturity -- consists in having found again the seriousness one had as a child, at play." --Nietzsche
      I realized what you were getting at originally, but I would suggest putting this kind of a test/demo suite together on the same disk you give the sales people. It can carry the company logo etc. Its NOT identical to the disk you sell, of course the only real difference is the test/demo suite. Another option would be to create a specific sales/demo disk with the full company logo on it.