#updateWorkingRepositories.pl use strict; use warnings; use PPM::Repositories; use Net::Ping; remove_non_active_state_repositories(); add_repositories(); #remove all repositories, except the repositories that come installed by default with ActiveState. sub remove_non_active_state_repositories { my @repositories; my $result = `ppm3 rep`; for (split /[\r\n]/, $result) { #parsing lines that looks like #[ 3] jenda my ($number, $repository) = $_ =~ /(\[[^>]*\]\s)(.*)/; if ($repository) { unless ($repository =~ /activestate/i) { #### $repository` unless (/activestate/i); } } } } sub add_repositories { for ( keys %Repositories ) { my $repository = $_; my $location = $Repositories{$_}->{location}; my $domain = trim_domain($location); my $p = Net::Ping->new('icmp'); if ( $p->ping($domain) ) { print "$repository is alive.\n"; #### } else { print "$repository is dead.\n"; } } } #function that trims a domain sub trim_domain { $_ = my $original_input = shift; $_ =~ s/^\s+//; #strip spaces at start of string $_ =~ s/\s+$//; #strip spaces at end of string $_ =~ s|^http://||; # strip http:// at begining $_ =~ s|/.*$||; # strip everything after the first / my $trimmed_domain = $_; unless ($trimmed_domain) { logMessage("trim_domain had a problem trimming $original_input"); carp ("trim_domain had a problem trimming $original_input"); $trimmed_domain = "$original_input couldn't be trimmed in trim_domain"; } return $trimmed_domain; }