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Meta-Obfuscation, explanation of

by clintp (Curate)
on Feb 04, 2001 at 21:42 UTC ( [id://56319]=obfuscated: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

This is the program which made up the Joyce Kilmer tree. It's an original, and there's another hack contained with in it. (It's primed for your enjoyment. :)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w # ASCII Art Encoder Clinton A. Pierce # Freely redistributable under the same terms as Perl # # Takes an ASCII art picture and some parameters and emits a JAPH-like # thing on STDOUT. Messages to STDERR. # ** PAY ATTENTION TO THE MESSAGES ** # You have to adjust the picture or your encoded message so they're # the right size for each other! This is a three-way balancing act # between the length of your message, the compression and the # available slots in the picture. use strict; require 5.6; # The trick is to find a picture where the encoded message will # look like background noise or a commonly-repeated set of things. # Leaves and bubbles are good. This world will do just fine for # a sample. my $picture=' ,,ggddY"""Ybbgg,, ,agd6EEb,_ "YE, ___`""Ybga, ,gdP""EEEEEEEEbaa,.""Eb "EEbg, ,dP" ]EEEEEEEEEP` "Y `EEEYb, ,dP" ,EEEEECEEP" db, "FP""Yb, ,P" ,EEEEEEEEEb, dEEEEa "E, ,P` dEEEEEEEEEEE,EEP"` a, `E, ,E` EEEEEEEEEEEEEEPP" "" `E, d` IEEEEEEEEEEEP" `b E `E"EEP""YEP` E E Y E[ _ " E E "YEdEb "Y a E E `""Ed, __ E Y, `"EbdEEEb, ,P `b, ,dEEEEEEEbaaa ,d` `E, EEEEEEEEEEEE` ,d` `Ea "EEEECEEEEEI aE` `Yba `YEEEEEECP` adP` "Yba `EEEEEEP` adY" `"Yba, dEEEEP" ,adP"` `"YEbaa, ,dEEEP,adEP"` ``""YYbaEEEEP""`` '; # Anonymous ASCII art, author unknown # The message you want to hide in the picture # Remember, the longer the message the bigger the picture will # need to be. my $string_to_encode="Clinton A. Pierce, Artistic Lic."; # Charset is the characters which will be used to hide the picture # they should be in $picture, but will be swapped out for $schar # below. So put $schar's in the picture and they'll get changed # out with $charset. The larger the $charset, the better the # compression my $charset=[ qw| 9 @ B | ]; # $c1 and $c2 are actually part of $charset, except that they'll be # alarmingly common in your picture. Plan accordingly. my $c1="0"; my $c2="O"; # Character which will be used to hold the codes. Will not # appear in the final picture. If you do it right. my $schar="E"; # Given a string, find and group the longest substrings # contained within it. This is the start of a # a simple compression function. NOTE: is is SLOW for large # strings. sub longest { my($t)=@_; my($long, %repeats)=(""); $t=~s/\n//g; # Be anal here. while($t=~m/(\d\d*).*(\1)/omg) { $repeats{$1}=1; $long=$1 if ((length $1) > (length $long)); # Reposition the start of the search to the character # after the first character of the first match of # the pair. pos $t=$+[1]; } foreach(keys %repeats) { my $r=0; while($t=~/$_/g) { $r++; } $repeats{$_}=$r; } foreach(keys %repeats) { delete $repeats{$_} if (length $_ < 3); delete $repeats{$_} if (length $_ > 20); delete $repeats{$_} if ($_ =~/^0/); } # Sometimes one or the other gives better compression. # It depends. my(@a,@b); @a=sort {length $b<=>length $a } keys %repeats; @b=sort { $repeats{$b}<=>$repeats{$a} } keys %repeats; return(\@a, \@b); } # Encode the message, decide which compression is best. # sub encode { my($string, $charlist, $zero, $one)=@_; my($r1, $r2); my $binary=unpack("B*", $string); ($r1->{list},$r2->{list})=longest($binary); $r1->{string}=$binary; $r2->{string}=$binary; for my $attempt ($r1, $r2) { for my $enc ( @$charlist ) { my $s=shift @{$attempt->{list}}; print STDERR "$enc is encoded as $s\n"; $attempt->{string}=~s/$s/$enc/g; $attempt->{table}->{$enc}=$s; } $attempt->{string}=~s/0/$zero/g; $attempt->{table}->{$zero}=0; $attempt->{string}=~s/1/$one/g; $attempt->{table}->{$one}=1; print STDERR "String compressed to: ", length($attempt->{string}), "\n"; print STDERR $attempt->{string}, "\n"; } return (sort { length($a->{string}) <=> length($a->{string}) } ($r1, $r2))[0]; } my $strobj=encode( $string_to_encode, $charset, $c1, $c2); # Now, make up the decoding table. # Decimal is okay it can be changed. my $decodetab='%e=('; foreach(keys %{$strobj->{table}}) { $decodetab .= qq{'$_'=>}; $decodetab .= eval "0b" .$strobj->{table}->{$_}; $decodetab .= qq{,\n}; } $decodetab.=");"; # Now encode the top. my $message=$strobj->{string}; while(length $message) { my $c=substr($message, 0, 1); # Pull off char 1 unless ($picture=~s/$schar/$c/ ) { my $l; $l=($picture=~tr/$schar//); die "Picture too small for encoding! $l characters lef +tover"; } $message=substr($message, 1); } if ($picture=~/$schar/) { warn "You've got too many $schar 's in your picture\n"; } # The decoder appears in multiple parts. my $cs=join("", ($c1,$c2,@$charset)); $cs="\Q$cs"; my $top=qq&=~m/(.*)/s;\$_=\$1;s![^$cs]!!g;&; my $bottom=q~ for$a(keys %e){$e{$a}=sprintf"%b",$e{$a};}$y= qq{(}. join('|',map"\Q$_\E",keys %e).qq{)}; s/$y/$e{$1}/gex; print pack"B*",$_;~; # And voila! But you still have to arrange it. # print qq{'} . $picture . qq{'}; print $top; print $decodetab; print $bottom;

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Re: Meta-Obfuscation, explanation of
by a (Friar) on Feb 05, 2001 at 09:02 UTC
    wow ... shouldn't the be in CUFP? Though on winx/Actstate 5.6.0 b632, I had to make it:
    require 5.6.0;
    Fortunately the US has relaxed its munitions rules or this could well have ended up a Nat'l Security risk of some sort. ;->


      And you're right about the "require 5.6.0" I added that as I was posting (and of course, forgot to test it) because one of the 5.6-isms occurs in an eval and I didn't want people to wonder what the hell was wrong with it.

      I normally assume people run a decent version of perl anyways. :)

        This is a fun little gotcha with version strings. The best way to require perl5.6.0 is with require 5.006;. Observe:
        % perl5005 -e 'require 5.6' Perl 5.6 required--this is only version 5.00503, stopped at -e line 1. % perl56 -e 'require 5.6' Perl v5.600.0 required--this is only v5.6.0, stopped (did you mean v5. +6.0?) at -e line 1. % perl56 -e 'require 5.6.0' % perl5005 -e 'require 5.6.0' Can't locate 5.60 in @INC (@INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503/i386- +linux /usr/lib/perl5/5.00503 /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/i386-linu +x /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005 .) at -e line 1. % perl5005 -e 'require 5.006' Perl 5.006 required--this is only version 5.00503, stopped at -e line +1. % perl56 -e 'require 5.006' %
        5.6 doesn't work because perl5.6 interprets it as 5.600 instead of 5.006. 5.6.0 doesn't work because perl5.005 and earlier interpret it as a "5.60" and try to load 5.006 is the only form that works in old and new versions of Perl.
      > wow ... shouldn't the be in CUFP?

      My apologies, I missed the reference. What is CUFP?

        "could you forget Paris"? "cold underwear freezes ..." sorry. Cool Uses For Perl, section 3 on my header. Just thought this was way more than Obfust. ...


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