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Re^2: Why is file being slurped in instead of line by line?

by zshzn (Hermit)
on Aug 26, 2006 at 21:46 UTC ( [id://569836]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Why is file being slurped in instead of line by line?
in thread Why is file being slurped in instead of line by line?

Point #2 is not necessary to his issue, nor will it actually fix a problem in his code execution. That already "works fine", if not optimally.
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Re^3: Why is file being slurped in instead of line by line?
by GrandFather (Saint) on Aug 27, 2006 at 02:58 UTC

    ahmad's point is however a good one. It is generally good practice to limit the scope of variables as far as is reasonable. It reduces the chance that a variable will be inadvertantly modified and the purpose of the variable is generally clearer.

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      I agree. However, he explained it as "To make your code works fine", and my issue was that the relevence could be misunderstood, being that the second point isn't going to make the code work any finer than it already did, or at least not in the way that the first point does. If that makes sense, that is.

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