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Re^4: Win32 - Memory can not be "read"

by HuckinFappy (Pilgrim)
on Oct 04, 2006 at 22:43 UTC ( [id://576435]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Win32 - Memory can not be "read"
in thread Win32 - Memory can not be "read"

I haven't tried upgrading. I can try that, but I have a couple of issues with that:
  1. Perl is part of our engineering development environment. Since we're a month away from final release of our product, we're under an environment freeze, so an upgrade to perl is considered extremely disruptive
  2. We'd been using the exact same version of perl, with the exact same code, for over a year with no issues, so I'm more interested in what may be causing this
That being said, I have a test network I can install a version of 5.8.8 on.

Thanks again

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Re^5: Win32 - Memory can not be "read"
by GrandFather (Saint) on Oct 04, 2006 at 22:54 UTC

    From point 2 I infer that the problem has started recently. If so, what else has changed in your environment? Windows updates perhaps? Other applications or drivers installed? New hard drives or other hardware?

    DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

      We initially thought it correlated to some Windows security patching. We had the I.T. department re-image the machines back to where they were several months ago, and the problem persists.

      Other than that nothing changed on the machines that we're aware of

      Network switches were upgraded around the time I saw a dramatic increase in the frequency of this problem

      Other than that, nothing that we know of

        Network timeouts or high error rates accessing files maybe? Sorta consistent with Find::File being involved at least.

        DWIM is Perl's answer to Gödel

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