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Re: Win32::OLE VBA to Perl Translation Question about Internet Explorer

by pKai (Priest)
on Jan 17, 2007 at 15:48 UTC ( [id://595097]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Win32::OLE VBA to Perl Translation Question about Internet Explorer

From the docs of the Navigate method:

Optional. A value that specifies additional HTTP headers to send to the server. These headers are added to the default Microsoft Internet Explorer headers. The headers can specify things like the action required of the server, the type of data being passed to the server, or a status code. This parameter is ignored if URL is not an HTTPURL.

This probably implies, that a

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

has to be passed to make it a POST.

This is also noted in the the article ikegami refered to as providing a workaround, which then says that "It will work on some sites, but on many others you'll get an error."

/me scratches head

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Re^2: Win32::OLE VBA to Perl Translation Question about Internet Explorer
by ikegami (Patriarch) on Jan 17, 2007 at 16:05 UTC

    I tried that, but that's not the determinine factor. The request is a POST request if and only if PostData is an array ref.

    It's still a good idea to include that header, however. Some sites rely on Content-Type being present. While Content-Length is set automatically, Content-Type is omitted unless specified.

Re^2: Win32::OLE VBA to Perl Translation Question about Internet Explorer
by sailortailorson (Scribe) on Jan 17, 2007 at 16:25 UTC
    Point taken. Any knowledge or even opinion about the importance and impact of any piece of the request is important to me at this point.

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