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Re: Backslashes in command arguements

by smithers (Friar)
on Feb 27, 2007 at 05:17 UTC ( [id://602255]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Backslashes in command arguements

tygu: you can often also use unix-style slashes instead of the Windows-style backslash escaped with another backslash. For example, on my XP laptop any of below work fine with glob:
my @filelist = glob( "c:\\temp\\*" ); my @filelist = glob( "c:/temp/*" ); my @filelist = glob( "//foobar/CDShare/*" ); my @filelist = glob( "//foobar/c\$/temp/*" );
Note that the Windows Admin share (C$) is shown with the $ escaped (C\$).

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