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Re: Don't go all PerlMonks on meby McDarren (Abbot) |
on Apr 09, 2007 at 07:35 UTC ( [id://608934]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
Great little anecdote, I love it :)
I'm one of four people in my office that write Perl code, but I'm the only one that is a regular at PM. Because of this (I believe), the others often come to me for advice. And I've had lots of similar little episodes. One in particular I remember was when of my cow-orkers wrote a script that jumped through all sorts of convoluted hoops attempting to parse and update a DNS zone file. When he eventually gave up and came to me for advice, I asked him why he simply didn't just use Net::DNS? ;) Although I've never heard those exact words ("going all PerlMonks"), I've had plenty of looks that tell me that's exactly what they are thinking at the time ;) Were you tempted to ask her exactly what she meant by that comment? It would be interesting to hear her answer. Cheers,
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