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Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:

by blazar (Canon)
on Aug 12, 2007 at 16:45 UTC ( [id://632078]=poll: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Vote on this poll

a Perl Ranch
[bar] 25/7%
a Perl Dojo
[bar] 146/41%
a Perl Castle
[bar] 32/9%
a Perl Restaurant
[bar] 19/5%
a Perl Bedlam
[bar] 12/3%
a Perl Circus
[bar] 57/16%
a Perl Camp
[bar] 24/7%
a Perl Factory
[bar] 20/6%
a Perl Barracks
[bar] 23/6%
358 total votes
  • Comment on Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
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Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by kyle (Abbot) on Aug 12, 2007 at 18:14 UTC

    I voted for Perl Restaurant, but I think a Perl Pub is closer to what I'm thinking.

      "...a Perl Pub is closer to what I'm thinking."
      But what would it be called?

      "The Perl Before Swine" perhaps? :-)

        Oh, fun! How about...

        • The Camel's Hair
        • Dromedary Draught
        • The Camel's pack
        • The Pathological Camel
        • The Dirty LAMP

        Maybe we should be putting this in the polls quest...

        What about "The Perl Hacker"
        "The Gentleman Winner" ? (see "Neuromancer")
      a Perl brewery

        Well, a brewery is a specialized kind of factory, while I think that a generic factory would be more in the spirit of Perl: actually I imagine a Perl Factory as one which could at the same time brew the finest beer and ship out microchips. Or... chocolate!

      I voted for Perl Restaurant, but I think a Perl Pub is closer to what I'm thinking.

      D'Oh! A pub!! Worse luck nobody suggested it while still in ideas quest phase: I would have certainly included it in substitution of or in addition to the restaurant. But of course I should have thought of it myself: it would have actually been a close competitor to the dojo. However if you ask me, I would make a hybrid of both, a pobjo? Isn't Perl supposed to take the best from what's around anyway? Train, meditate, find the Way and follow it, and then just have a fresh pint of draught beer, which may well be part of the Way, after all!

        Perhaps not Pobjo
        No life forms
        Too Hot
      i like i voted for Dojo too... Pub is more homey Perl Lounge might even work
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by Aim9b (Monk) on Aug 12, 2007 at 21:08 UTC
    I would have liked the Perl Station with Engineers & Boxcar riding hobos, etc.,
    but I think The Perl Haus Pub would be a great motif too.
        Perhaps this Monk DiBona would make a good Fat Controller he has the right connections and the magnitude!

        I'm relatively young, but aren't paco and CowboyNeal the default answer to all such questions?

        my $answer = <paco CowboyNeal>.pick;
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by jcoxen (Deacon) on Aug 13, 2007 at 16:03 UTC
    How about "Perl Brothel"?

    With apologies to sgt, one could still learn Perl in a 'Disciplined' way. Of course, mens sana in corpore sano would go right out the window.

    Oh, there would be problems. For instance, helping newbies could actually COST you XP. Come to think of it, helping multiple newbies at one time could cost you a LOT of XP. Also, Golf would probably have to be renamed. And I'm not sure I want to consider what some of the ramifications would be for 'Obfuscation'.

    Anyway, it was just a thought.


      this is my favorite idea, hands down (pun intended)

      How about "Perl Brothel"?

      With apologies to sgt, one could still learn Perl in a 'Disciplined' way. Of course, mens sana in corpore sano would go right out the window.

      Very very funny, and I would have certainly included it in the list, had I thought of it - or had anyone suggested it. Indeed as a funny option it is certainly worth a vote, but more seriously a brothel is associated, and for good reasons, with a very bad reputation: so I'm sure that $Larry would not approve. He chose the name Perl in the first place because it should have been "Pearl" - something polished and clean and beautiful: he claims that the name could never have hinted to something aggressive or dirty or violent.

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by fraktalisman (Hermit) on Aug 12, 2007 at 17:03 UTC

    ... or a PerlSpace or PerlR ? I voted for Dojo, although factory sounded appealing too. Perl barracks OTOH sounds too much like real, dirty, every-day work.

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by Gavin (Archbishop) on Aug 12, 2007 at 18:15 UTC
    Perl Community or Club,
    the Monks are friendly most of the time!
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by andreas1234567 (Vicar) on Aug 12, 2007 at 18:16 UTC

      The first rule of Perl club…

      Makeshifts last the longest.

        The first rule of Perl club… has subscript 0. Unless you changed $[. But don't!

      A reply falls below the community's threshold of quality. You may see it by logging in.
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by cdarke (Prior) on Aug 13, 2007 at 12:42 UTC
      I, for one, am proudly one of the Perl Bizarre.
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by stonecolddevin (Parson) on Aug 14, 2007 at 06:51 UTC

    a Perl bedlam was as close as I could come to a Perl Pirate Ship!


        Perhaps, i'm not incredibly picky as long as there's rum, a sweet jolly roger, big ass cannons and a lot of ass kicking :-)

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by gam3 (Curate) on Aug 13, 2007 at 03:06 UTC
    I would have thought that a Perl dive should have been on the list.
    -- gam3
    A picture is worth a thousand words, but takes 200K.
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by naikonta (Curate) on Aug 13, 2007 at 11:21 UTC
    In no particular order:
    • Perl Universe
    • Perl Forest
    • The Avatar
    • Camel Laboratory

    Open source softwares? Share and enjoy. Make profit from them if you can. Yet, share and enjoy!

      "Camel Laboratory:" ++
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by sgt (Deacon) on Aug 13, 2007 at 12:53 UTC definitely. Gives a feeling of a place you can learn in a "disciplined" way and at the same time mens sana in corpore sano

    cheers and kudos for the pool ;) --stephan
      I chose Perl Dojo, but am thinking that it's not strictly speaking a change in metaphor. More a shift from west to east, which may be cheating.

      Not to be recursive, but wouldn't the term "perlglob" be most appropriate?

        I chose Perl Dojo, but am thinking that it's not strictly speaking a change in metaphor. More a shift from west to east, which may be cheating.

        Not so much. A monastery has to do with religion: the actual religion changes across the world and so change the things to be practiced in the corresponding monastery. But a dojo hasn't to do with religion. Well, some japanese martial arts were influenced in some aspect or another by religious concepts in the intentions of their founders: but generally these aspects are not that pervasive. Also the term "dojo" is flexible and adaptable, like Perl itself: it can convey the simple idea of a place were to train and improve one's skills, which is the only thing someone will read in it, or more properly that of a place "where to practice the Way", which hopefully some others will recognize. definitely. Gives a feeling of a place you can learn in a "disciplined" way and at the same time mens sana in corpore sano

      That's good, but caveat: that latin phrase is often misquoted, as the Wikipedia's entry which you linked rightly asserts: "the original connotation of the phrase is that health of mind and body is good in itself and something to be rightly desired, as opposed to beauty, wealth, or power." More precisely Juvenal is making fun of those who pray for those other things and claims that only the former should be asked for.

      In fact, it may be a forced analogy, but we could make the above recommendation into Perl development: just make your software healthy in the mind (algorithms) and in body (the way they're implemented). Do not mind beauty, wealth (cool code that only you can understand and that you stuffed there just to show how much of a guru you are) or power (premature/micro optimization). Of course there's a limit, since what I consider sane code has to be beautiful as well, notwithstanding the fact that Perl's deepest nature lies in the realm of pragmatics. Perhaps beauty should simply follow naturally and not be obsessively searched for.

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by ambrus (Abbot) on Aug 12, 2007 at 20:48 UTC

    A perl bookstore, because I like book stores and spend lots of time in them but most of that time isn't really productive.

      Plus, in a bookstore it's much more difficult for them to claim that they don't have TFM handy!

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by gloryhack (Deacon) on Aug 13, 2007 at 18:23 UTC
    Perl Galaxy. A collection of stars all swirling around a central point... that central point being a black hole that will suck you in if you get too close to it. :-)
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by suaveant (Parson) on Aug 13, 2007 at 20:27 UTC
    How about the Perl "Massage Parlor"?

                    - Ant
                    - Some of my best work - (1 2 3)

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by wolfger (Deacon) on Aug 14, 2007 at 16:08 UTC
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by nzgrover (Scribe) on Aug 15, 2007 at 00:53 UTC
    After reading the CB history this morning, I would have gone for "Perl Asylum".
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by shmem (Chancellor) on Aug 12, 2007 at 18:16 UTC
    Perl online school, I'd say. They are here to learn.


    _($_=" "x(1<<5)."?\n".q·/)Oo.  G°\        /
                                  /\_¯/(q    /
    ----------------------------  \__(m.====·.(_("always off the crowd"))."·
    ");sub _{s./.($e="'Itrs `mnsgdq Gdbj O`qkdq")=~y/"-y/#-z/;$e.e && print}
      Didn't he do well!

      Or Perl oneline school possibly.

      Perl online school, I'd say. They are here to learn.

      Oh no: obvious, but just... too obvious. School has a stigma for being no fun and boring... well, that's just plain wrong and was not even the case with me, but... I was definitely thinking of something either more recreational or well, not... obvious! Anyway, since we're talking 'bout pubs so much now, one may remind that they can be a perfect place for learning as well, in fact I was about to report here that rumors had it that the idea for bubble chambers took its inspiration from a glass of beer... however while inserting the previous link I also read the first few lines to discover that rumors were just rumors since:

      Anecdotally, Glaser was inspired by the bubbles in a glass of beer; however, in a 2006 talk, he refuted this story, saying that although beer was not the inspiration for the bubble chamber, he did experiment with using beer to fill early prototypes.

      In short: Hitler Bad, Beer Good and Godwin perhaps applies!

        School has a stigma for being no fun and boring...

        Pubs as well. Pubs are mostly about beer, and beer is known to induce bellies and (to) further dumbness, contrary to wine. Wine drinkers are witty and sometimes smoke pipe; but then Irish Whiskey drinkers also do, and some of the folks who sold their souls on rare Scotch. Those are smart, have a rough, deep voice and know some citation for every moment. In Ireland they mostly spoke about women, cattle and the dole, though... but times have been changing since.

        See, school has its stigma, and so has perl: write-only, ugly, not maintainable and so on... who cares? I had fun at school. I've been beaten by teachers and comrades, but nonetheless. I've got hints at school, but most of what I learned at that time I've learned outside. Biggest difference to PerlMonks is, I've been at school forcibly, but The Monastery I attend to my own liking. I've thought about proposing "Perl University" or "Perl High School", but that's too pretentious. A lowly, humble school which doesn't care about reputation (heh! XP anyone? :-) and which recruits apprentices and teachers out of free will - a school like it should be, I'd say - but Dojo is a fine alternative.


        _($_=" "x(1<<5)."?\n".q·/)Oo.  G°\        /
                                      /\_¯/(q    /
        ----------------------------  \__(m.====·.(_("always off the crowd"))."·
        ");sub _{s./.($e="'Itrs `mnsgdq Gdbj O`qkdq")=~y/"-y/#-z/;$e.e && print}
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by Smaug (Pilgrim) on Aug 15, 2007 at 07:19 UTC

    There's greater mojo in a dojo....

    Peddle faster monkeys!! I need more power!!
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by poqui (Deacon) on Aug 13, 2007 at 15:14 UTC
    I said Ranch because that's where I think Paco would feel the most at home.
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by deprecated (Priest) on Aug 13, 2007 at 23:35 UTC
    I am disappointed to not see "perl bordello" among the choices. It seems so passé to suggest that we hackers run about, keanu-reeves style in some kind of virtual dojo honing our virtual ninja skills to defeat the evil php (or whichever). No, I'm all about using perl to get laid. I can't believe more people aren't up in arms about this obvious oversight.

    Tilly is my hero.

      I think you are in the wrong trade here. There's few things as unattractive to women in general as programming. And there are very few places with less women. If you are after getting laid I think you'd have more luck working in a McDonald.

      The only way I can see Perl could help you get laid is to make you rich. (I can already hear the voices denying the apparent truth.)

        The problem with characterizing women by saying "X is to women as Y" is that there are so damn many of them. I could regale you with tales of my wife, friends wives, the girl (I use the diminutive form, not the literal form) at the video store with the license plate "GEEKLVR", and so on, but the other 3 * 10**6 might disagree with me, wish to qualify the statement, and so on.

        While my original comment was really intended to be more sarcastic, it does indeed have truth behind it. This is perhaps (in my own experience with, let's say, the above women) because some fraction of programmers are intelligent or wise, usually funny, and often open to new experiences; at the same time, that fraction of programmers tends to be higher than the same set of people in general society (consider chim-chimney sweeps foree example, as contrast to the humble programmer).

        Your mileage will vary.

        (hmm, and on preview, it occurs to me that most people would find programmer chicks to be in general more attractive than chimney-sweep chicks)

        brother dep

        Tilly is my hero.

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by smithers (Friar) on Aug 14, 2007 at 03:18 UTC
    Perly Gates.
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by klekker (Pilgrim) on Aug 13, 2007 at 07:45 UTC
    perl pool
    I /heart/ alliteration. ;)
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by tbone1 (Monsignor) on Aug 13, 2007 at 12:24 UTC
    How about "A Perl Mall"? You see all sorts here, from all kinds of backgrounds, who have stopped by for different reasons.

    tbone1, YAPS (Yet Another Perl Schlub)
    And remember, if he succeeds, so what.
    - Chick McGee

      How about "A Perl Mall"?

      Well, I like it, but a very similar suggestion that I favour over yours because of a certain exhotic vein is that of a bazaar directly following yours in the thread. Both terms have the con, though, of having a strong commercial bent in their common acceptations, while here we're not selling anything: people come here to find help kindly offered to them with free of charge, and other people give away help for nothing in change, but possibly some personal satisfaction.

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by CountZero (Bishop) on Aug 13, 2007 at 16:13 UTC
    Perl Barracks, for sure; or to stay in that environment "The Perl Regiment".

    Note that it includes a sense of discipline (use strict;!), it is a community, it has a hierarchy, it has a mascot (the Camel!), there is continuous learning and training, but also good fun and informal contacts (Chatterbox), it has its traditions ("show what your tried before asking a question", ...), ...

    Military, definitely so Sir; that is probably why I like it so much.


    A program should be light and agile, its subroutines connected like a string of pearls. The spirit and intent of the program should be retained throughout. There should be neither too little or too much, neither needless loops nor useless variables, neither lack of structure nor overwhelming rigidity." - The Tao of Programming, 4.1 - Geoffrey James

      Perl Barracks, for sure; or to stay in that environment "The Perl Regiment".

      D'Oh! I disagree but I'm seriously in difficulty because your arguments are all so good++ and I could hardly counter them. Though I suppose that a comment similar to that in response to the brothel suggestion may apply: $Larry would probably not approve of the association between Perl and something military...

      A counter argument: how 'bout free form? Something that can be brought so forth in Perl up to that incredible anarchic mess that obfu and golf can be. Well, I guess one may provide as a counter-counter-argument an interpretation in terms of mimetism and blitz operations...

      Last, you may ask me why I despise the military option while I cherish the dojo one, when "martial arts", literally, mean "arts of war". Well, of course it's all a matter of personal tastes and opinions: but once you accept this POV, it must be said that the term dojo typically applied to martial arts with a do in their name, thus shifting the main point of interest from the pure development of technical skills to that of a more general "Way" - although it has been generalized to other ones. I don't know if that could be the case with Perl, or even if it would be desirable... but I for one like the idea!

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by pingo (Hermit) on Aug 13, 2007 at 20:42 UTC
    A meadow, probably.
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by technojosh (Priest) on Aug 13, 2007 at 15:01 UTC
    I voted Dojo, for the obvious similarities this site shares with the brutal Cobra Kai...

    No Mercy!

      Haha, no seriously: haha!! What to say then, of clpmisc and of the continuous accusations often brought there of elitism, of boosted egos and even of... let me see IIRC - because this is a bomb... of regulars "taking advantage of vulnerable people"?!? (link @ GG)

Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by syphilis (Archbishop) on Aug 18, 2007 at 13:27 UTC
    I probably would have gone for "Perl Cloyster" had it been available .... though "Perl Jam" might have also been appropriate had it not already been (almost) copyrighted.

    As it stands, I think "Perl Circus" is a good candidate. One would presumably start off as a "Clown" and work one's way up through such categories as "Dancing Dog", "Juggler", "Acrobat", "Lion Tamer", "Tightrope Walker", "Trapeze Artist", and "Show Pony" ... culminating, of course, in "Ringmaster".

      As the owner of I have to say I much prefer the general feel of the Circus name versus Monks. Perl, and star-nix technologies in general, have a well-earned reputation of appearing complex and cliquish to newcomers. Words like "arcane," "mysterious," and "esoteric" come to mind. To me Perl should be marketed as tricky but fun and maybe just a little dangerous. I'd have to add to Rob's list: "Camel Tamer," and (for those who specialise in more spectacular code) "Fire Breather."
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by jesuashok (Curate) on Aug 13, 2007 at 01:17 UTC
    Perl politics,perl government, perl united .... etc

      I definitely like the "PerlUnited" idea.

      Es gibt mehr im Leben als Bücher, weißt du. Aber nicht viel mehr. - (Die Smiths)"
      Perl politics,perl government, perl united .... etc

      Well, the poll was about places (where people go or gather to... well, do something!) while politics is an abstract concept and government is not necessarily so abstract, but far from being an actual place, unless you take into account the palaces of politics. Either way, I don't like your suggestion, since it stresses the idea of an institutional Perl whereas Perl, notwithstanding $Larry and @Larry -nay, thanks to them!- is much a community thing, written and mainteined by the community for the community. Real people, for the most part, gather in a pub, in a cinema, in a factory... sometimes in an asylum... not in a government house! Also the hinted idea of a Perl party sounds much like "closed mind" to me: I am a Perl supporter all the way, and I have a bad opinion of e.g. Python... but even as a metaphor I couldn't stand the image of a Perl party against a Python party.


      Fools run the government
      Sick forein policy
      Their words sound valiant
      But their hands are green
      Unending quest for power
      Taxes that make us slaves
      Don't believe a word of it
      Ignore the f**ked up things they say
      Cause I'm gonna make it on my own
      Dictator on a throne
      Make my own philosophy
      US OF ME
      A citizen who's really pissed
      United Anarchists
      Give me death or liberty
Re: Were it not a monastery, my favourite metaphor for PerlMonks would have been:
by pileofrogs (Priest) on Aug 14, 2007 at 23:05 UTC

    Coffee house

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