rootkidd has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Ok, I am currently building a webtool for my work. I have just started to use perl ( which I love) but I am having trouble getting data from one file to another. I have a cgi main page and a script on another page that takes the data and submits it to a database. The trouble is I need to then get the time the second page was submited from the second page onto the first page. I am sure I need to add something like

$date = ""; open (FILE, "< $data") || die "$!"; $timestamp = $time; close (FILE);

I need to get the timestamp from the second page to be appended to a field in the first page. Im not asking for you to tell me how to do it step by step but any information would be great.

Thanx alot :) Ohh, I have only been using perl for 3 weeks or so :(